Monday, 28 February 2011

Circular No 486

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 26 February 2011 No.486
Dear Friends, 
Thanks to the Salah's Steelpan Academy for the short movie.
Remember us if you would like to give us a Carnival movie. 
Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 24 of December 2001. Circular No.6
Dear friends, 
I am including this new circular earlier than usual, to celebrate Xmas, I know all of you are busy playing Santa, with or without red robe and white hair and beard, pouch or not. The white hair, beard and all if not in evidence, shall be with us in a few more years ??..
We are not lucky to celebrate the holidays with snow and all the cold, but here in Caracas I bought a real West Virginian pine tree, the smell is here!. This is a question that is up in the air as I suppose that those that have to deal with installing chain on the tires, shovelling snow in the morning, keeping the grand children dressed up for the cold, etc. would prefer the tropics while we would like to see some snow and the accompanying cold for at least a few days, just for the taste. I presume that is why those in the cold and have the means, migrate to Florida and we tend to go North. 
I have been getting response to these circulars, I am still preoccupied as there are a few of you that have not given me the OK to continue to send these, I hate to be filed away in the Block e-mail list.  
A few lines to Richard Galt, “I have talked to your brother Randal by cell phone and he has asked me to relay his best wishes for the season”. 
From Christopher Webster with whom I talked by land line, “He wishes all of you a Marry Xmas”, maybe he gets a computer in 2002 
Michael King has passed away and is with the Lord, information from Michael Herrera who was in Barbados and got the news. 
No luck with Egan Baichoo and Louis Lacour. 
All of us hopefully would make it to the 31th, if the children and grand children help us, after the big day!!. The step from the 31th to the year 2002, I am sure is going to be easy and smooth as silk. Of course if we do not try to eat (or swallow) a grape per bell stroke at midnight as some traditions demand. 
If I continue with my brainstorming, Wayne would find his job in peril in Jamaica, of course I would fail because of my rough treatment of the English language ( British, American or Spanglish, you choose).  
To show my willingness to open a dialog or multilog, I am going to let all of you a chance to write from this line on. 
God bless 
Photo: msb.monastery1lk
Article: next time
Column: next time 
Glen Mckoy <>
Thursday, October 16, 2008 10:10:19 PM 
Well Kazim, 
Ah glad Aziz remember you, so welcome home man,
Best regards
azizul mohammed <>
Thursday, October 16, 2008 6:23:21 PM 
Hello Kazim
How u doing, long time, I am still around  
it’s so good to hear from a long lost brother, 
So where do u live I am in New Jersey.
A few months ago I was able to get in contact with Gangie, U remember him the roti guy, man his mom used to make those tasty roti so if u living in NY ley me know we will meet
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 18:17:51 -0400 
Hi Glen,
Thanks for responding again.
Yes, the eldest brother of Sheldon and Larry Gomes is Lester Gomes.
Lester is the one who died on Monday.
He played and coached tennis.
Just want to make it clear to you and the group.
As you remembered, Sheldon coached us in cricket and soccer at the Abbey during the time I was there 70-72.
And, yes I do remember and know Raymond Morris, Farouk Bhopa and Azizul Mohammed from Arima where I also lived.
I was not a Knight of the White Stone (hope I have the name correct), but I did spend an aweful amount of time in the mountains surrounding the Abbey.
I feel like the male counterpart of Maria in the Sound Of Music. Ha Ha. What fun days.
It is so nice to reconnect with you and the other boys now men.
While here in New York, I read of the visit of Zanelli and the ship he commands on our Trinidad online newspapers.
That was such a nice project you Old Boys put together after I read the Newletter from Kertesz Ladislao today.
A lot of names bring back memories during my time at the Mount.
I remember Garth Alexander, he was an athlete.
I remember Jimmy Samaroo, Gangaram, Gianetti and some of our Venezuelan schoolmates.
A friend of mine here in New Jersey said he met the Jumans in Barbados, and I was wondering if it was the brothers I knew.
Some of you have emailed me already.
I am so thankful for the correspondence and the work you all have been doing to keep the fraternity alive.
So, keep up the good work.
Hope to hear from more of you, and see some of you at the reunion.
Also, whoever is attenting the Aqua lads and lasses reunion this weekend, my sister Asheera Abasali-Davis sends her regards.
She was one of the lasses, but cannot attend.
Please take pics so I can send her and give my regards to the group, Brother Alexis and company.
Continue to take care. blessings to you and our group.....
Kazim Abasali 70-72. 
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 20:37:01 +0000 
Dear Kazim, 
I am glad you said a little more, welcome to the group long lost brother, I am sorry for my memory, as so many boys remember me so well, 
Kazim, I knew Sheldon, he was a nice fella, he coached us cricket. 
Did you remember Raymond Morris from Arima, and Bhopa I think from Arima, do you know Azizul ??  1970-72
Want to hear more, will send this email to boys from our time, thank you again for contacting us, 
Best regards
Glen McKoy,  tel:902-443-5437   
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 02:36:39 -0400 
Hello Glen,
Thank you for your email.
I do remember you though.
I attended MSB for 2 years for more O' Level subjects.
The years were between 70 and 72.
Nigel and I have exchanged emails a couple times already.
And I thank him and the group for responding and providing me pics, information and invitation for the reunion.
I will be attending since I will be in Trinidad with the loss of a dear friend of a family and mine that grew up close in Arima.
His brother coached sports at the Abbey during my time there.
His name is Sheldon Gomes.
He and another brother Larry both played cricket for Trinidad and the West Indies.
So, I will get to meet some of the Abbey Old Boys with this visit this time.
I am in New York at present.
However, my prefered home is Phoenix, Arizona.
I have exchanged emails already with Nigel Boos, Glen Evelyn, Winston Ramsahai, Niel Charles and Ian Gomes who is not related to Sheldon whom I just mentioned.
This is my email address and I would like to be on the list, thank you.
Just make sure to put MSB Old Boys or sometime like this on the subject matter the first time around on the emails, cause I have to go the junk folder and then I incorporate the address as someone I know.
Well, I hope we can continue to communicate, you and I, and hopefully you will remember me.
If not, that is quite okay too.
Anyhow, it is nice to connect with the group and I lool forward to meeting with you sometime in the future.
Blessings to you and the group and your family....
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 21:22:12 +0000 
Hello Kazim, 
I don't really know you, however I would like to get some more information, when did you attend etc. so we can move on from there,
I thank you for showing your support, are you in contact with Nigel or Ladislao ??
It is also good for Nigel Boos to have you on the list, are you on the list?? 
Best regards
Glen McKoy. 
...12 NOV 2010
From: krishna toolsie <> 
We had a grand reunion at Neil Charles, the following brothers assisted: Glen Skippy, Schaefer, Nathaniel Sampath (lives in Orlando), Neil Charles (thanks to Neil and wife Oma) and Krishna Jerry Toolsie had a wondrous gathering in the Fall of 2008. 
Neil was the perfect host, feeding and drinking the ole mount boys into nirvana.  
The gathering was a great reward to the memories of time spent on the mount. 
I do hope we can do a roll call, at the very least of options for the Centenary Celebrations, of the boys during the Mount celebrations in 2012. 
The drink of choice on this occasion was holy water...
Warmest regards,
Krishna Jerry Toolsie 
From: azizul mohammed <>
Date: August 18, 2008 3:17:02 PM GMT-04:00 
Are u , Krishna and Skippy related u all look like blood brothers 
Ladislao Kertesz
14 Sep  
Dear Azizul
Good friend, you must have received the latest and if not, please go to the blog page to update yourself.
I am still doing it, but I must check your email address to make sure that there is no mistake.
You can always help, by writing a line or two about the good Fr. Eugene???
Maybe about Abbot Francis???
You know juicy stuff., jajaja
God Bless
azizul mohammed
13 Sep  
Hello Ladislao ,
How u doing ,its been a long time since I last heard from u .
So are u still doing the newsletter, if u are I haven't gotten any since January.
If u are not doing it let me know what u need to start back doing it
Azizul Kenny Mohammed 
 azizul mohammed <>
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 12:23:31 PM 
Yea the hotel in just down the hill and as time permits I will send u another short adventure sometime today
I will be around for a few hours and will reply to everyone later my friend 
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 18:32:41 -0500
What an incredible nice Azizul.
I am keeping you for my chronicles.... with you permission of course!
Was the Scarlet Ibis Hotel in Tunapuna? 
I am 1964-67.  
You must be after me right? 
Where is this hotel located?
Please tell me.
On Feb 9, 2008 2:31 PM, azizul mohammed <> wrote: 
I remember a nite after lights out Gerard, myself and a few other guys snuck out went down to the disco/pub at the back of the scarlet ibis hotel, after a few hours of drinking and dancing we all look up to see Fr Cuthbert,
He walked straight to our table and said "are u guys ready to go up" we all said "yes father" and we all walked silently to the van,
For about 2 days he didn't say anything the suspense was killing us so much that we all went to him to discuss what happen and that’s when he gave us a week of penance to write a book,
Would u believe afterwards he told us that he completely forgot about us I never believed him  
Cuthbert he never forgets. 
Now to the photos.
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount inside No.10, page 6
56KA0010SCOUTS, lone river with crossings
07RE0129GKEDGU, Gerard Kenny and Dennis Gurley
10LK1810SANGREGRANDE, Sangre Grande police station.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Circular No 485

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 19 February 2011 No.485
Dear Friends, 
Another old Circulars to complement your emails.
Please increase your writing activity with  new information, I presume that all of you still might have some information that you have not produced for the Circular.
No worry, the Circular is ready to publish your DUES for this year. 
Big thanks to the members of Salah's Steelpan Academy for their dedication and hard work in making this 4th consecutive victory possible.
Special thanks to my Family for their unequal support.
Thanks to Silver Stars members and friends for their support at the live show and special thanks to Edwin and Alvin for composing and writing a great song "Battle Zone" ...
Give Thanks & Praise 
Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 21 of December 2001. Circular No.5
Dear Friends, 
I received this short note from Graham Gonsalves, if you remember he was with us during From I and maybe Form II. 
No Nativity:
The High Court of Trinidad and Tobago has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity scene in Port of Spain this Christmas. This isn’t for any religious or constitutional reason. They simply have not been able to find three wise men and a virgin in the Nation’s capital. There was no problem, however, to find enough asses to fill the stable. 
Additional new names that maybe someone can give me a clue as the email address, whereabouts, From V graduation date, nickname, and any information that might be useful to be used for the index that will appear in the reviewed web page. 
Those that read msb p05 6407 mount inside maybe would remember the various names in the m.o.l.d.s. society. 
I remember Hoffle, who is here in Caracas I believe, I shall contact him soon. 
Rafi, Raffensperger?. He became a doctor and is in the government practice. 
Again for those that might not have received the last circular, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and as a gift, that some of us would be able to meet and share past friendships. 
God Bless 
Photo: msb pos cannonlk
Article: Msb 07 6407 mount inside
Column: wvb 011216  
On 2-Apr-09, at 12:22 PM, Gittens, Peter W. wrote: 
I am retiring from teaching in the USA and will be living in  Burlington , Ontario .
I took possession of our new house in Burlington on Feb. 27 and ever since I have been commuting every week from Burlington to New Orleans (weekends in  Burlington ) until the end of the academic year at the end of April.
I will resume my old position as an adjunct professor of Theology at St. Augustine Seminary in  Toronto . 
I am scheduled to teach a Moral Theology course starting on July 7.
When you update the Data Bank, my new address is
4625 Simmons Road
Burlington  ON    L7M 0J3
Home phone: 289 313-0648
Sterling Hackett
...5 JAN 2011
From: "" <> 
Hi Gentlemen,
I'm sure you recall Sterling Hackett and his younger brother Wayne.
Sterling was in our class
I just read that his mum passed away. His # is 868 792 2281
From: Hudsonmckoy <>
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 02:25:21 -0400 
Hi Guys,
Good to hear from Winston Ing Shing...we need to locate Jerry Campbell a.k.a. BBC...can the T&T contingent try to talk to his wife or sister and find out what happened to him...
I believe he did an Air Traffic Controller course at Piarco; his father also owned the tyre shop on Charlotte St. P.O.S. across from Dr Rat;
I believe he also went to Miami Sea Quarium as a marine biologist but this is thru the grapevine...
-----Original Message---------------------------------------
Sent: Tue, Oct 5, 2010 6:15 pm 
Hey Guys,
This is probably some sorta deja vu, the "finding" of Winston Ing Shing.
Recently, Sterling Hackett and I were chatting about our Mount classmates and Winston, your name came up as one we have not heard of or from since leaving school.
Keep in touch
Chandra Teelucksingh
My # is 868 680 6424. Sterling is 868 792 2281  
From: Hudsonmckoy <>
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 20:44:04 -0400 
Hi Winston,
I haven't seen you since leaving school. I heard you were living in Toronto.
Good to hear from you.
Send us some info.
Hudson McKoy. H.818-308-6951 or C.818-355-7670. 
-----Original Message--------------------------------------------
From: Nigel P. Boos <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 5, 2010 2:02 am 
Thank you so much for forwarding Winston's email to me, Krishna.
But at 2.14 am? 
Man, you should be in bed.
OK, I'll get in touch with him and take it from here.
Thanks again. 
Hello Winston, 
Hey, it took you some time to find us, but I'm sure glad you did.  
Ladislao Kertesz (Class of 1960) of Venezuela is the brains behind this thing.
He had the bright idea, a few years ago, to try to contact all the Old Boys of MSB's Abbey School, and to open up a forum for discussion between ourselves.
That's all we're doing.
We've had a number of interesting events come out of this simple idea - Reunions here, Reunions there, a Visit of a Cadet Training Ship to T'dad, captained by another OB, Suppers, Visits from one OB to another, opening up of our lives to the world of OB's, Circulars (you've seen some), history discussions, etc., etc. 
We'd sure like to know more about you, whenever you find the time.
One paragraph would probably do it, with, hopefully, a photograph of you with your family.
Tell us what you did after leaving MSB, where you live, what you're doing today, your family stuff, and whether or not you're in touch with any other OB's. (I'm looking for their email addresses and telephone numbers, if you can share them.) 
BTW, Krishna says that you left MSB around '74 - '75. I've copied this note to all of the OB's from that time whose email addresses I have.
Perhaps you know these guys, perhaps not. In any case, this is merely an attempt to get them to drop you a line to say "Howdy" 
I look forward to hearing from you.
Nigel P. Boos 
On 2010-10-05, at 2:14 AM, krishna toolsie wrote: 
Nigel and Glen: 
Another prodigal mount boy is back in the fold..   
He left for Canada around 74 or 75.
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 02:34:23 -0400 
Hi Krishna,
To a big surprise, I found your name while googling and have read quite a few of your circulars posted on the web.
Dated may 9, 2008 I see that you still remember me.
Would like to get in touch if possible
Don’t know where you are now but with the internet, it’s not that far away.
Winston Ing Shing 
Some more reminiscence by John Gioannetti. 
I have every right to be angry 
The weekend I got off from mount to go get my license. 
I came back up the Sunday night.  
Everyone was up by refectory eating hot dogs the customary sunday night menu 
I was at the notice by the bursars office down stairs reading. 
I suddenly felt a sharp blow to my kidneys, soon followed by many multiple blows.  
There were a few of them, I never saw a face. I just dropped to the ground and rolled into the fetal position and covered my face and head as best as I could. 
After the beating, I got up and asked Cuthbert to use the telephone. He would not let me. 
I tricked Kitty Marcus into letting me use the sacred telephone in the office down stairs. 
Cuthbert came in and caught me and started to scold me, threatening punishment. I never got chance to complete the call. 
As you will recall all traffic up the St. Johns road, ceased at about six o'clock 
It was probably around 10 o'clock 
I walked down the hill, hitched rides and walked till I got to Maraval. 
Woke my parents up to get in the house. 
I said I don't care, put me out, punish me, beat me do what you want. I am not going back there, I never even gave them the details, never even went to get my things at MSB.  
You people glorify this and call it school boy bullying. This is way beyond bullying. 
I call you cowards, cowards at the time to do this and worse as grown men to be cowards to try to justify this.  
Dirty stinking contemptuous cowards you old boys and the priest who condoned and even encouraged this. 
This was not a 1 and 1 fight, face to face. This is what you are proud of. Your children and grandchildren, you would tell them that this is ok if they were subjected to this. 
Bet before they finished telling you the story, you would be on the phone calling your lawyer to sue somebody. Because despite you claim to being men because of MSB, you would be afraid to confront the offenders or people responsible for the well being of your children. 
Now to the photos. 
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount inside No.10 page 5
65EW0002EWIJLE, Eric Williams and John Lennon
58UN0001CLASS59AND1960, Group photo with Fr. Augustine.
56KA0020SCOUTS, Photo by Kenneth Austin.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Circular No 484

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 12 February 2011 No.484
Dear Friends,
From here on, I shall be resending the old Circulars to complement your emails.
There has been a slow down on new information, I presume that all of you might have run out of time and or remembrances.
No worry, the Circular is ready to publish your DUES for this year. 
Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 14 of December 2001. Circular No.4
Dear friends, 
This one is to remember the Xmas holidays, now as then, we prepared to travel home to meet our families. Those that did not travel far it was a vacation with festivities, and those, especially those that had to travel by air, there was the excitement of the gifts that were bought on one or more Wednesdays when we were allowed to travel to Pos and shop. George Habib´s store by Marine Square, then make the bags, load the green Bedford truck and the VW buses and go to the airport for the flight. The excitement of seeing our parents and family at the end of the rip. Make up a lot of excuses for the poor qualifications and notes from Fr. Bernard. 
Additional new names that maybe someone can give me a clue as the email address, whereabouts, From V graduation date, nickname, and any information that might be useful to be used for the index that will appear in the reviewed web page. 
(Various names) 
This circular would commemorate the 41 year since our graduating from Form V in 1960. 
If you wish to get the earlier circulars, or include a friend, please write. 
I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and as a gift, that some of us would be able to meet and share past friendships. 
God Bless, 
Ladislao Kertesz
Photo: Xmas card
...23 enero 2011
From: Linda Mathias <> 
Thanks so much for your response. 
My husband does share what he remembers, but he has no photos, class pictures, etc.
Possibly, someone who attended MSB around the same time would be able to share their photos. 
Robert Mathias' email is
I will continue to persevere on this project. 
Thanks again.
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 4:43 PM, laszlo kertesz <> wrote: 
Dear Linda
Thank you for your email.
I do not have much more information on the school besides those that you have read thru the Circulars.
I took on the job of gathering CLASS 1960, my classmates and thru the time the Circular was the cohesive force to unite all classes.
Unfortunately all records have been lost at the Abbey.
I edit all the emails that I get and send them out weekly.
You provide all the information; please send me the curriculum vitae of your husband, and latest photo for a future Circular.
Maybe he can contribute by telling you about interesting events or photos of the time.
I shall look up the list for classmates you can contact.
Can you provide Robert´s email address??
God bless
From: Linda Mathias <>
Sent: Sun, January 23, 2011 12:51:16 AM 
I have been reading the circulars published about Mount Saint Benedict. 
They are very interesting because I am doing research because my husband attended the school from 1946-1950. 
His name is Donald Mathias. 
His brother, Robert Mathias also attended the school in 1950 for just 1 year.
I am interested in any information available during this time period. 
Don's cousin's Brian Gonsalves and Terrance Gonsalves also attended the school and I did see some information about them on the circulars.
Thanks in advance for any information which is available.
Linda Mathias
St Petersburg, FL 
Some more insights from John Gioannetti 
Bernard Shepherd, someone that beat me quite frequently. 
I was living in West moorings at the time playing in the yard with my Macaw and Parrot and my two children.
Bernard was on holiday from the North Sea off Scotland, and he stopped.
I told him to come in and have a beer.
I always remember Bernard loving beer.
He said he had to do something urgently and he would be back.
I really did not expect him to turn up.
Despite this I took some necessary precautions. 
Bernard's child was with him in the car, and he had born with down’s syndrome. 
I called my two boys and explained that if they did come to visit that the little boy was different than them.
No better no worse, and that if he could not keep up with them to be patient with him, and not to laugh at him or make fun of him. 
My mother had a terrible temper, and I also had the brunt of it at home.
Here is an example, she one day touched the gate post backing the car out, the tiniest of scratches on the old chrome bumper.
For that I got a frozen steak in my head.
It was as if you had cut a hard boiled egg in half and crazy glued it to my skull. 
You think that is the only incident.
She once went behind my brother who is 7 yrs younger than I am, I flew at her and physically attacked her.
The only time I have ever retaliated physically to either of my parents.
I told her beat me but leave him as he was only a baby.
I got my wish. 
Have a great vacation
...16 JAN 2011
From: Nigel Boos 
Hello, Kazim,
Nice to hear from you.
I hope you're having a great holiday and getting some nice photographs of the Seychelles.
If you get a good recipe for some Seychellian food, maybe you could send it to us.
Have a ball. 
On 2011-01-16, at 12:51 AM, kazim abasali wrote: 
Hi Ladislao, Nigel and Don,
Here I am in the Seychelles, islands in the Indian Ocean.
This was a vacation gift made to me by my eldest sister (who resides here), and her son, who is a pilot for the Air Seychelles airline.
He is now about to fly in Abu Dubai for another airline.
My regards to you all and the Alumni.
May the year ahead be one of blessings with your families and may we continue to grow stronger with our bonds of friendship and brotherhood.
Ladislao, may you continue to be nurtured and supported for your outstanding work over all these years.
And Nigel, may you too be blessed for all your database management skills and keeping the group informed or contacts.
Don, thanks again for keeping the blogs going with the circulars from Ladislao.
My wish is that the joy of service continue to shine bright in our hearts as we share with one another our journeys.
To all the Abbey boys, may we continue to be a mighty support to one another.
Take care my brothers
Thursday, October 16, 2008 10:17:05 AM 
Please forgive me.
I believe I addressed you wrongfully by your last name.
I apologize to you.
At least that is what came up to me on the circular.
I now realize your first name is Kertesz.
In addition, in my other email to you, I forgot to include Ian Boos as someone who I have been corresponding with by email also.
Blessings to you Kertesz...
(no problem Kazim, either is OK, ed.)
16 October 2008 10:08 
Hi Ladislao,
Thank you for the circular.
I am formally introducing myself to you, and I realize you have been receiving emails correspondence with me and other MSB old boys recently.
I am Kazim Abasali.
I attended MSB Abbey and lived there for 2 years; 70-72.
This was to complete my O"Level GCE exams.
I had attended Holy Cross College in Arima before coming to MSB.
My email address you now have
I would appreciate if you would include with me in your database, so other schoolmates can correspond with me.
I have already been corresponding with Winston Ramsahai, Niel Charles, Glen Evelyn, Hudson Mckoy, and Ian Gomes.
Ian and I were in the same class together.
On a personal note, from reading your circulars on the blog, I have realized the distinguished honour you and your group deserve for the long outstanding service to our old boys fraternity.
This is with respect to keeping alive the ongoing continuity of Abbey life in terms of lifelong friendships with our old boys.
You may be humble about this, however, I personally want to recognize you and the group and say how I appreciate what you have done and continue to do as a labour of love.
I have been instrumental in doing this for another Alumni - Holy Cross College, but no way as long as you have.
Thank you so much for your dedication, hard work and for this love for us that is expressed in what you do.
Blessings to you and the group......
Kazim Abasali. 
Patrick Baichoo
17 Mar  
Hi Ladislao and others,
Here are my pics of the mini reunion.
I humbly apologize for not sending them out before this time.
I have lots of excuses for not doing so, but I will refrain from using any.
Better late than never. 
Ladislao, your comment of me not wanting to write spurred me to write.
Yes, I do remember our study hall connection.
I was the “lookout” for the patrolling padres who, as they approached us, I would give you a nudge and you would put it away, return your books to the desk and become fully involved in your studies.
After the patrol had passed, you resumed your electronic work. 
You were busy making all sorts of electronic devices, one of which you constantly used in the yard, subtly turning it on and disrupting the radios of our buddies.
I don’t know if anyone (save myself) ever found out what you were doing and that you were the cause of their radios losing reception. 
Now this disclosure of mine about you will be known around the world.
Good luck handling the flood of emails to you from those who encountered the electronic static interruptions.  
On another note, I follow the email MSB chat and enjoy it very much.
Due to my only being at Mount for 1 year, I did not get the chance to make many long term friends. Nigel Boos is the only one I “buddied” around with.
Thank heaven he is in easy proximity to me. 
Stay well and hopefully we can meet face to face soon. 
God bless 
Patrick Egan Baichoo, Broker of Record/President
Maregan Realty Inc., Brokerage
416 439 5558
Visit us at 
-----Original Message---------------------------------------------------
From: Ladislao Kertesz []
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 7:20 PM 
Dear Cornel, Terrence
Good for writing about the meeting.
None of the others did as yet and I presume that they are not going to write either.
But I need to get the contents of the little box, photographed item by item.
Also scan the documents.
The general photos of the items make my mouth droll.
But they are not good for the general archive.
Especially the scout badges, only Jan has sent a couple of photos but the rest of the KING or QUEEN Scouts just do not remember anything and have nothing to show.
Not even memories of the Camps or others.
Finally I get to see Egan, after 49 years.
He sat next to me during the last year at the study hall at the back row left.
He is on the list since 2002 but is not inclined to write, I am glad he is well and has a beautiful wife, please tell him.
I can only ask you to be an intermediate for this job, as you are closer than I.
Also remember that if you get an interesting email, please FW it to me if you believe that it can forward the cause.
This is the "material" I talked about. 
Now to the photos. 
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount inside No. 10 page 4
65EW0003EWIGRP, Eric Williams and the Beatles.
03DM7105REUNION, John Gianetti, Rolph Hive, Gordon Mitchell, unknown
72HM0017HMABAND, Wayne Hackett, Hudson McKoy, Glen McKoy