Saturday, 26 March 2011

Circular No 490

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 26 March 2011 No.490
Dear Friends, 
From here on, I shall only include excerpts of the old Circulars and shall not copy all the Circulars , as some of you are relatively new comers to the weekly Newsletter. 
Remember that all Circulars can be read in Don Mitchell´s Blog page. 
I am resending the Yip Chuck Photo, please check it out, the names might not be correct.
Caracas, 19 January 2002. Circular No.10 
Dear Friends, 
This was a rough week for the new comers, remember that school year started in January in our times. Getting the books, notebooks etc. classroom assignment.  
Sometimes if there was no pre assigned listing, for the DESK!!!. The window seat. Those front seats being important to a special group and those back seats to the more leisure group, in the middle those that were not too keen to be in the sight of the teacher and because there were no more back seats. 
The meeting of old friend and finding out who were the new ones and those that did not make it (the whys and where they when) rumours, then the talk of the holidays, trips, etc. 
Of course those that had to take an aeroplane to get to the school had a more agitated time not because of the trip but because you did not want to forget anything, clothe, sweets, presents, toys, new pens (ball point). 
Here I am continuing the who is who, thanks to Roger Henderson: 
3. Richard Anderson - has his own gardening service business in Orlando. Works for some big names in golf and tennis such as Pete Sampras and Ernie Els. 
...9 mar 2011
From: Glen Mckoy <>  
Dear Ladislao, 
I do respect you for giving all their chance to express their experience on the Mount, however sometimes the truth do offend.  
I do support you in all your decisions with the circular, and your effort to make it real, and not only of the great times some of us experienced on the mount.  
I would like to share this, my conclusion of same; this is what I read by Jean Gebser "The ever present origin”.
Only if we grant power to something can it have power over us. 
It becomes a serving and sustaining potency when we again are able to place it into the Realm where it belongs, instead of submitting to it. 
The Ego is not personal, from the book "A New Earth”, by Eckhart Tolle. 
By far the greater part of violence that humans have inflicted on each other is not the work of criminals or the mentally deranged, but of normal, respectable citizens in the service of the collective ego. 
One can go so far as to say that on this planet "normal" equals insane. 
What is it that lies at the root of this insanity?  
Complete identification with thought and emotion, that is to say, ego. 
Greed, selfishness, exploitation, cruelty, and violence are still all-pervasive on this planet.
When you don't recognise them as individual and collective manifestations of an underlying dysfunction or mental illness, you fall into the error of personalising them.
You construct a conceptual identity for an individual or group and you say: "This is who he is.  This is who they are."
When you confuse the ego that you perceive in others with their identity, it is the work of your own ego that uses this misperception to strengthen itself through being right and therefore superior, and through reacting with condemnation, indignation, and often anger against the perceived enemy. 
All this is enormously satisfying to the ego. 
It strengthens the sense of separation between yourself and the other, whose "otherness has become magnified to such an extent that you can no longer feel your common humanity, nor the rootedness in the one Life that you share with each human being your common divinity. 
Thank you Ladislao for your true concern on these matters, which we all would like to ignore, however we must face our convictions, as gentlemen.
May God Bless you my dear Brother, you are our voice, with great respect your truly,
Glen McKoy. 
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 18:16:11 -0800
Dear Glen,
I feel the same way, but if I did not publish the opinions that have some rational phrases then I cannot continue with the Circular.
He has the right to tell his story, I am not getting into his reasons, and maybe he thought that life then? was not fair?
But you and I know that this is not so, we were not cruel, but in all schools there where kids that at the moment were cruel because they were stronger physically, and/or had rich parents, etc.
I have met these latter on in life and we joke about the events and they are ok guys, but not when they over stepped the common sense and I was the fall guy.
So give him space, the events happened and the bullies existed.
I only have printed and shall print the stories that have sense and which I consider of interest to the life at the Mount.
Not everything was rosy, but I believe that our ability to conquer obstacles, made us better students.
Maybe those that complained or have bitter memories, should revise their conscience as to their ability to overcome adversity, then and now.
We must understand their grudge and forgive them; their life might still be a small hell.
I only hope that as a time goes by they may recognise their weakness and then be able to build a stronger self.
Thank you for your comments, Glen, your input is great even if it is on a sad story.
Sad because it about a human being still confronted with anger after 30+ years.
We can only hope that there is reconciliation with themselves, in those that are in the same state of mind. (he is not the only oldboy that has mentioned their anger, but he is the one with writing abilities)
I am sure that I have not answered your enquiry as to why I published the short stories, but be rest assured that it took me over a year to decide.
We can always get together to discuss this thorny issue.
From: Glen Mckoy
Sent: Tue, March 8, 2011 7:19:20 AM 
Dear Ladislao, 
Re: John G. I am getting sick of his, " please feel sorry for me," he was not the first boy to get picked on and he was not the last, and his situation, was not the worst if some guys tell him their stories he would shut up. 
I got blows which I earned well for talking back to older boys, or just getting in trouble, I have no regrets, it was a boys school not a girl school, read about boarding schools around the world ,
I think ours was pretty good to what I have read about those in England and other countries. 
John had personal problems with some boys before he came up to the mount, when he came up to the mount some of these boys were up there, and I guess his problems with these boys continued, what justice is he looking for, most of the boys who are reading these statements don't even know John.  
Please grow up John, so you can move forward, maybe help others who are experiencing same, I cannot understand why John is hurting others with these old wounds, who were not there at that time,
I was from John time, and many boys went thru the same thing, just the rest of us were not a mummy boy and still spoiled, enjoy your life if you ever became a man, and forget all that crap, it will only eat you up. 
I promised I would not be drawn into his trap, of engaging in talk, of making something out of nothing. I am sorry for wasting time, 
Please don't cry for me,
Glen McKoy. 
From: Hudsonmckoy <> 
Hi Ladislao,
You have all right to publish every student's story.
I support John 100% to be heard despite his anger.
I was there that night but didn't partake in this cowardly act of bullying.
I was also bullied by a notable bully –
I told him that I didn't have to put my hand on him but God would put His Hand on him.
Later on in life God's Hand did fall on him while he was working underwater in the form of a steel beam to his neck, crushing his vocal chords.
Call it retribution but I repent for making such a statement since none of us are worthy of God's grace.
I have since prayed for forgiveness for this person and all the others who took part & may John forgive them some day... 
...16 Jan 2011
From: kazim abasali <> 
Hi Ladislao, Nigel and Don, 
Here I am in the Seychelles, islands in the Indian Ocean. This was a vacation gift made to me by my eldest sister (who resides here), and her son, who is a pilot for the Air Seychelles airline. He is now about to fly in Abu Dubai for another airline.  
My regards to you all and the Alumni. May the year ahead be one of blessings with your families and may we continue to grow stronger with our bonds of friendship and brotherhood.  
Ladislao, may you continue to be nurtured and supported for your outstanding work over all these years. And Nigel, may you too be blessed for all your database management skills and keeping the group informed or contacts. Don, thanks again for keeping the blogs going with the circulars from Ladislao. 
My wish is that the joy of service continue to shine bright in our hearts as we share with one another our journeys. To all the Abbey boys, may we continue to be a mighty support to one another.
Take care my brothers.......Kazim  
Glen Mckoy
18 Dec (6 days ago)  
Thank you Ladislao, always so good to read these articles. 
The one on Peter Gorinsky, what a story, I would like to hear more from this brother, the adventures of his life. 
The ending photo, just beautiful. 
Ladislao, please, send me a note whenever, you think of it, what's on your mind? 
I need some directions, in general, what would you like to see, just picking your brains, I need to communicate, with you, we are at a cross roads. 
My actions have been random, many times on the spur of the moment, hopefully most were good.   
Nigel and you are over worked, and should be compensated, for office supplies, and general maintenance, up keep of the Circular and Records keeping.  
We are growing every month, these services are essential, in order for us to function and to stay as a group, and will not be taken for granted.
Full support must be given here.
We will address this in the New Year.  
It is working great and we do not want to lose it. 
Ladislao, if there is anything I can do to assist you, equipment you need, supplies, back up stuff, tell me I will see what I can do. 
Thinking of you mi hermano, the humble one.  
Best regards
Glen McKoy.    
Attila GYURIS <>
Friday, April 24, 2009 12:17:51 PM 
That was very nice. 
It gives a whole new expanded meaning to the word “brother".
I never thought of that way until now.
Attila Gyuris 
From: Glen Mckoy
Date: Friday, April 24, 2009, 1:52 AM 
My dear brother, 
My father passed away 2 years ago, I just got out of that depression, it affected my life with my family also, as I kept my hurt inside, now I am trying to mend these emotions with my family who do care. 
You are not alone, you only expressed yourself, and in expressing yourself, it will slowly release the hurt. 
I love you my brother and God bless you for having feelings, many brothers have told me stories that I cannot repeat, it was hard on us all, after leaving our security blanket, the Mount.
Thank you for this email, I do hope you will start feeling good about you, because we feel good having you on board, my brother,
Best Regards Glen McKoy.  
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount Inside No.10 page 10
57WK0061YICHGRP, New names to the photo
56KA0018Bless, Blessing of the school
60UN0001CLASS1960, My favourite class

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Circular No 489

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 19 March 2011 No.489
Dear Friends, 
One Circular closer to the real date, that is today.
No worry, I shall send the next one on time (I hope).
Keep writing!!!
Another question to get you back at your time at school and maybe getting to write.
Who was your most beloved priest?? The one that you trusted most??
This brings the other side of the coin, who was the priest that you avoided. (hated in another type of language?)
Don´t be afraid, for all we known, he might still be able to give you licks, jajajaj
Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 12 January 2002. Circular No.9
Dear Friends, 
Remember, those with check books, it is 2002!!!. Those who do not write checks, no problem, cash is accepted everywhere and the date is not a matter of importance except those going to or in Europe. Those with no cash in/out of the bank should not bother with the above warning.??? 
This time I am going to try to recall one of the yearly event that happened at the Mount, I recall the large grasshoppers that arrived yearly, these were green coloured with orange, size of a hand. We used to kick them and run to avoid being jumped. I always found them rather disgusting specially since we never knew where they would land. There were those that would try to hold them by the hind legs and in the process get cut with the sharp leg barbs. It is interesting that they would arrive by nightfall and next day disappear, I suppose they looked for the lights. The invasion lasted about three days.  
We have nearly 400 names in the roster but only 10% have graduation dates, I am sure that after so many years we do not remember who sat next to us? Least who were our classmates. To help these in doubt please send the graduation date of those that you know, it helps those that are not too sure. Please send the information to Jon Golding, for inclusion in the listing. 
Here I am continuing the who is who, thanks to Roger Henderson: 
2. Roger Ames - has done very well for himself in the music industry. Now very wealthy. Lives in New York and is the head of Time Warner's music division. 
God Bless 
Photo: jon golding ny
Listado: C9.xls
Article: Msb 11 6407 mount inside
Column: msb R.Ames Chairman
Ladislao Kertesz
Dear Gerry,
I went to TT again last Thusday 7, for a couple of days.
The food stall run by his wife and coffee shop by his daughter at the middle is owed by Winston Ramsahai an old boy.
Please send me your telf number so that I may call you, we got together Friday and Saturday evening.
God Bless
On 10 October 2010 22:56, <> wrote: 
Hello Ladislao,
Great to hear from you again.
The gentleman I thought could have been you made several visits to the Food Kiosk at the NW corner at the Oasis Food Court.
I was there recently again and I think the name of the business is Shadow Benne?
If you were the gentleman, we missed meeting for the 1st time.
I am sure that we will meet soon, since I must offer my appreciation to you personally for bringing the Old Boys together and keeping such great memories alive.
Best regards, Gerry Chin – Cham 
---- Original Message ---------------------------------------------------
From: Ladislao Kertesz <>
Sent: Sun, Oct 10, 2010 5:37 pm 
Dear Gerry,
Yes I was there in May and I just returned after a three day visit.
Next time please let me know.
I went to the mall as Winston Ramsahai has the coffee shop and another eat place run by his wife.
God Bless
On 12 July 2010 07:33, <> wrote: 
Hello Nigel, morning.
I am forwarding you an email as received from Laszlo re: Class Update..
Can you send him the up to date identification of the guys I have provided..
As far as I recall, we have identified everyone with the exception of No: 1..
His request re: Code Number should be answered once he receives the up date info. from you..
Were you in Trinidad in May of this year..
I saw a gentleman at the Grand Bazaar Mall whom I thought was you.   
Thanks again and God Bless.
---- Original Message ---------------------------------------------------
From: laszlo kertesz <>
Sent: Sun, Jul 11, 2010 8:13 pm
Subject: Re: Fw: 1965-66 Form 2 Identification. 
Dear Gerry
Thank you for the photo and the name, but I need the code number of the photo, as there are several photos of the class.
Then I shall include it in the next Circular
God bless
Sent: Mon, February 1, 2010 6:32:59 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: 1965-66 Form 2 Identification. 
Hello Ladislao, great hearing from you. 
Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year and all the best for 2010.   
Thank you for the enormous amount of time that you are dedicating to put out these circulars. 
They bring back good memories and keep them alive. 
Collectively, I'm sure the boys can't thank you enough.
Should you ever need my assistance, please let me know.
As per Class of 65-66, all names are correct except #1 still unknown, #28 is Henry Lincoln.
I'm attaching a recent mug shot as per your request.
Regards, live well and I'll keep in touch.
Gerry Chin - Cham 
Hello Ladislao, good morning.
Great hearing from you again, however I must remind you that I live in Canada and only visit Trinidad on business.
I will let you know when I plan my next trip so we can possibly meet if you happen to be in Trinidad at the same time.
I will pay a visit to Winston should I be in the mall.
Best regards
Gerry Chin - Cham 
Tim Mew
...6 FEB 2011
From: Nigel Boos <> 
Hello, Ricardo,
I understand you're trying to contact Tim Mew in Australia.
Here's his email address:
His physical address is: P.O.Box 1045G, Balwyn North Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3104
I have some notes from Tim, which I'll share with you:
He's written: Hello to all my "old" MSB friends,
The years are ticking bye at a fast pace and I thought I should try to get in touch with at least a few of you.
The recent excel list from Nigel Boos has helped me to do this.
A quick back ground on us:
Married in 1963 to Gail, left Guyana in 1974 with three daughters [Michele, Karen, Lisa] for Australia.
First in Sydney and now for many years in Melbourne.
Two more twin daughters were born to us in Melbourne, Alexandra and Alicia.
Karen has two sons, Timmy [19] & James [7].
Alexandra has Thomas [2] and Sophie [three weeks].
So four grand kids for us.
Michele is married to Ralph.
Karen is single now.
Lisa is going to be married in March of 2009.
Alicia has a partner Fletch.
Alexandra is married to Vlad.
The attached picture was from April 2008 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Gail is 63 and I am 67.
So YES the years roll on!!!!
I will not be able to attend the re-union in Trinidad scheduled for this November, distance, cost etc. prevents.
However it would have been great to meet up with any of you.
I am still trying the email address for Ricardo Figuera that I had, but it has not worked for quite awhile.
So if any of you guys particularly in Venezuela have his new address, please forward and let me know.
I have been in touch with Ricardo over some time but not recently.
He also sent some pictures in the past of your meetings in Caracas, so I have an idea of how the years have treated you.
As you can see, we are about on par!!!!
I have often enjoyed Roberto Boddington's photos on the circulars from Ladislao, so thanks to you for shooting these, although I cannot remember you doing so.
Will also try to find and attach a picture of our family for you.
With love and best wishes to you all and your families and I look forward to your replies.
Please try to keep in touch and help me with any other email addresses from 1958 class.
And here's a photograph of him:
Best regards. 
Hey, if you have any information about your brother, Pablo, to pass on to us, I'd be very grateful. Of particular importance is his email address and location, but a decent photograph of him and of you too, would be appreciated. 
God be with you.
Nigel Boos
Class of 1960 
George Mickiewicz
13 Feb 2011 
Hi Ladislao;
Back on the road again this year. 
Spent 2.5 weeks in India in January. 
Now I am doing some consulting work with a nickel mining company in New Caledonia. 
The island is located in the South Pacific; east of Australia and north of New Zealand.
Would not surprise if some of the MSB graduates who live in this part of the world may have come to spend some vacation here. 
It is part of the French Polynesian protectorate. 
It reminds a lot of Trinidad in that from the coast you can look inland and see very high mountains. 
The ocean water is very calm and warm; it is very pleasant compared to what we experience at the beaches in the USA.    
Saw some good work recently by Eden Hutton and David Bratt identifying the guys in a 1957 photograph; great memory and job by them. 
Sending a photo of me enjoying some good prawns from the South Pacific. 
May God bless all, 
Remember to look for the preceding issues to get all the Mount Inside issue No.10 
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount Inside No.10 page 9
08KA0009DINNER, the formal invitation to the event.
60UN0003CLASS1960, Another oldie goodie
59WK0047SPORTS, Start of a race

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Circular No 488

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 12 March 2011 No.488
Dear Friends,
One more of the oldies. These Circulars were very simple and got the required attention, as you know.
It is close to 1500 old boys, and every day there is one new member. 
I have the following questions to you:
Is your resume up to date, or better yet, have you sent in the 50 words dues?
Some of you should send in your latest photo for posterity, jajaja
Send the one with least touch up!!!!
Do not forget to visit the WEB page by Kazim.
Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 5 January 2002. Circular No.8
Dear Friends, 
I hope all of you survived all the wine and dancing and the holidays and are ready for this New Year. 
I shall try out an idea, brainstorming one, do a Who is Who and Where for the msb crowd. I shall do the compiling while someone takes over. This Who is Who does not compete as would be used in the circulars only, but is complementary as it can be as long as you wish but need not to be sent in by the oldboy whose data is displayed. The reason for this is because I have noticed that some of the oldboys are not too keen in writing up a resume, while a friend of his with a mighty feather, ( his mighty finger???, to be in tune with times), might give a clue which is interesting to all.  
Thank you for your support sending in new names for the msb old boys list. I am including part of the list, thank you for your diligence. 70% of the list came from Nigel Boos who took it from Arthur Knaggs who published a pamphlet called OASIS Overseas Abbey School Interested Students, years ago with the same intentions as our internet multilog, (is this correct???), dialog does not seem right, I have to ask Wayne Brown!!!. 
Feel free to use, erase, add, etc to the list, you can then send the corrections to the web or me. Remember that for all for whom I have the e-mail address shall receive the circulars, to promote our page or the geocities page in making.  
Who is Who: (thanks to Roger) 
1. Michael Ames - works in Trinidad as a consultant in the oil business. His son Stephen is a professional golfer on the PGA, doing quite well. 
God Bless 
Listado: C8.xls
Article: Msb 10 6407 mount inside
Column: wvb 011230 the bride part 2 
PAX Guest House, old car at the front
...22 NOV 2010
From: Nigel P. Boos <> 
That's progress for yuh. 
Now, all we've got to do is to check out the registration number of the car with the authorities in TT, (of course, the records will be in immaculate condition).
Then, we'll find out who the owners of the car were, see if they're alive or pushing up daisies, contact their great grandchildren who won't care a damn, who will slam down the phone on whoever's calling, and we'll be nowhere further in solving the mystery. 
The good monks at MSB don't seem to have gotten any further themselves, or, if they have, then I've not been told about it.
However, Trevor Evelyn has confirmed that he was a student at MSB in 1945 and that the steps down to the guest house had already been replaced by the ramp.
So all we can say for sure is that the photograph was taken pre-1945.
I'm going to say it was taken in 1940, unless someone wants to challenge that date. 
It's been a great hunt, David. Thanks. Nigel  
MSB Photograph - The Guest House
...2011 NOV 12
From: Nigel P. Boos <> 
Just to let you know that Fr. Abbott is looking into it and he'll get back to us.
What a lovely photograph.
The building looks brand new.
Notice that the long row of steps at the front of the building has been replaced by a ramp for cars.
In fact, if I remember correctly, the ramp was built during my years at MSB.
I'm sure I do remember that incident - it must have been around 1957 when this work was done.
I wrote an article for a local (TT) magazine about 2 years ago, on the "History of Mt. St. Benedict" and in it I reported:
"In 1947, the Monastery was raised to the dignity of an Abbey.
Dom Adalbert van Duin O.S.B., was elected as the first Abbot and was installed on June 16, 1947 by His Grace, the Most Rev. Dr. Finbar Ryan, O.P., Archbishop of Port of Spain, in the presence of great crowds of people, including many of the leading personages of the day.
"Under the able leadership of Dom Mayuel de Caigny O.S.B. and later, of Dom Hugh Van Der Sanden, O.S.B., one of the Benedictine monks, Brother Gabriel Mokveld O.S.B., undertook the tremendous job of converting the overgrown, bushy hillside into the beautiful, stately edifice we see today.
Living quarters, refectory and kitchens were constructed, and the chapel was extended.
A “rest house” was built to accommodate the many pilgrims who began to frequent “the Mount”, and a small “guest house” was built to provide lodging for those wishing to rest their souls in the peace and quiet beauty of the hills of the Northern Range of Trinidad."
One clue to discover the date of the photograph, therefore, would be to find out the years during which Bro. Gabriel was doing all of his construction work.
Nigel P. Boos 
From: John Pereira <>
Date: November 11, 2010 8:18:34 PM EST 
Thanks very much, Nigel, for the wonderful photo. 
I will definitely share it with the older monks and see what comes up. 
Abbot John 
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 19:32:21 -0500 
Thanks for this wonderful old photograph, David. 
I'll look into it and see what I can find. 
Dear Fr. Abbott,  
Someone has discovered a remarkable old photograph of the MSB Guest House with a flight of stairs in front of it, which was certainly not in existence during my time at the Abbey School in 1955.
Would you be so good as to show this photograph to the older monks at the Mount, or else look through the archives to see whether you can identify the approximate year in which this might have been taken?
The car in the picture could have been a Model T Ford, and I have another photograph of my grandfather's car -the second in the island, which could be compared to this one, to see if there might be a match. (He died in 1926).
Here is Grandpa's First (and only??) car:
Thanks for your kind help.
Nigel Boos 
On 2010-11-11, at 6:10 PM, david decastro wrote: 
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:18 PM 
Thursday 11th November 2010
I purchased this old post card last weekend at a collectors show.
I believe that the photo dates back to the late 1920's or early thirties based on the model of the car at the base of the photo.
If you can determine the correct date, let me know. 
MSB Guest House - Old photograph dated before 1945
From:  Nigel P. Boos <> 
Thanks for your note, Trev.
We're trying to decide on a date when the old postcard picture could have been taken.
Since you can confirm that the stairs in front of the Guest House were there before 1945, that in itself is a good date marker.
So we have to look BEFORE 1945 to find a reasonable date on which that old picture could have been taken.
Thanks again.
On 2010-11-12, at 2:19 PM, Trevor Evelyn wrote: 
Thank you for sending me the pictures of the guest house.
It brings back so many memories my Parents stayed there in 1945 when they came to visit me.
The stairs in front of the guest house were there for all the years I spent at the Mount 1945 to 1949 Dec. 
The pictures that goes around  from time to time bring back such wonderful memories  of the 5 yrs. I spent at the mount.
I found an old photograph of the school taken from a small hill on the south of the bees.
I will send it to you I cannot remember who took it and what year think it was 1947.
Thanks again
RE: Data posted to form 1 of
From: Ladislao Kertesz <>  
Dear Kazim,
I shall include the http in my next Circular so that as many as want can register.
I presume that this is what you want??
Also I would like you to change the title: ladislao kertesz blog to ladislao kertesz Circular / Newsletter, I prefer Circular because my compendiae is usually out of date so I cannot call it NEWS??.
The blog is run by Don Mitchell, and he just takes my Circular as soon as it is ready and posts it to the site that he manages, latter I send them to the many individuals.
Maybe you should place a link to the blog so that all viewers of ASATT could with a click go to the site?? and get the latest that is posted.
Now Nigel Boos has been hunting down stray ALUMNI and maybe there should be a link or maybe you should publish the list, I have no idea how it can be done so that he keeps up his splendid work without being displaced by the web page???  Care must be taken.
I talked with one of the Association guys and expressed that only maybe 5 of us are working to the goal that was set last MAY.
So care must be taken to avoid loosing working members.
For the TT Association to be alive and feel alive there should be active members that take care of a minimal effort to the recruitment of ALUMNI (Trinidad) to the cause and of course to reach the goal set in the creation of the Association.
Thank you for your effort, we need more people like you, action and not words.
God Bless
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount Inside No. 10 page 8
08KA0008REUNION, The invitation as sent out for the event.
60UN0002CLASS1960, Finally a class photo of my class.
62WK0041UNKNOWN, an old photo of some competition?? Can you help