Saturday, 11 June 2011

Circular No 501

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 11 June 2011 No.501

Dear Friends,
Another request for news, this time I would like some news on the Gransaull kids, Jeffrey and Richard.
Neither has given sign of being active, so please help the circular with news.
I wonder if Jeffrey really got to be a certified pilot of a Cessna 182?
And Richard took his insurance licence?
Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 6 of April 2002. Circular No.21

Dear Friends,
Here is the sad story taken from a clipping in the Trinidad Express given to me by Gordon Mitchell. Those living in Trinidad must have read the news, but I know that those living overseas would like to know.

A Short note by Gordon Mitchell

Hi, Ladislao
I thought this would be of interest to the rest of the ex school mates.

A Short note by Don Mitchell

Hi, Gordon
Thanks for the clippings. Now, if only I had 2 million to spare!!”

I would like you to comment on the photos that I send as there might be a story on all of them, write a line and be part of the news!!!!
Here I am continuing the who is where, thanks to Roger Henderson:

11. Gregory (not Geoffrey) Farfan is a leading insurance executive

Ian Gome/The All Fours Group / Trinidad‏
From: Glen Mckoy (
Sent: Sun 4/06/08 4:31 PM
My Dear Brothers,
Thank you Ian, for your comments, this has given me a little more insight, of what started with the best intentions, but did not quite materialize.
So good to hear, that the guys did attempt to organise, the intentions of, starting back the school, a little too grand, helping the monks, why??
They have chosen this life, we can, do a lot for the monks, but the abbot could take it all, for the church, good intentions, without much thought, going into it.
Like giving Fr.Cuthbert a Laptop computer, might be a good gift, so he can read all the good things, that has been happening, hoping that the abbot don't like it, and take it , Ha! Ha! just kidding.
Getting acquainted at the beginning informally is a start.
Your, playing all Fours seems to be the only organized thing, I have read, in your comments, probably we need more all fours players, to form this ,club, ???
As I said before, these are real people with real feelings.
This is not a business club, and some members may only know how to run a business.
And running it, like a business will only run members away, and could become boring.
Listen, probably only a few, should have a formal meeting, and elect a representative, or representatives.
Only invite others for the socials.
Some people don't have time for meetings, and this should only be the choice of the member.

Kieron, I remember him being such a gentleman, when he met my wife, and me at the Holiday Inn.
So long ago when we got together for drinks.
Milton, I remember Milton my only competition running the mile.
And, if you remember, when Francis, the drummer of Raymond McCartney band parent died, Milton stepped in, and played drums.
Puggy, always will attend, any old boys event, and a true supporter ever since, but don't say much, openly.
Jaggy, must be chilled out, and sounds to me like a nice person, now.
Wayne Chang, a very good buddy of mines, and no reunion would be the same without him, however, whoever is in charge, should be able to bring to attention, all, and in order to do that, must also have the respect of all, we have some strong characters, with some big mouths, but all ah that, is mass, and that is what, makes this challenge, so wonderful and crazy.
However, in the agenda, one hour or so, should be made to discuss, serious concerns of the group, and after that, the fete, continues, with all fours etc.
We , on the committee, don't really have any leadership, however, we do have respect, for our senior members, we try to accommodate and represent all four groups , the emails I send, have about 50, or more brothers on line reading, so don't ever, think you guys are in the dark.
We are here and ready to help, in any way, we can, for the Trinidad Group.
This is how things look, at present: -

The Canadian Group is a little more reserved, and are making arrangements ,on how to conduct the financial settings, for the Kitty Fund & other projects. and are well connected and are well formed, by Nigel Boos.
There is also a selected committee of four, from our best brothers in the field of finance, for all international dealings.
I cannot disclose their names, at present, for anything with money.
Will remain very confident, until all arrangements are in place, for the best of all.
USA group are active and looking to start some action, like the Musical Jam etc.
The Kitty fund and Plaques.
The Venezuelan group are strong with their presents, and you can ask Aziz and CheChe about the Roll call.
And of course the Circular, another Venezuelan, taking leadership, by the Godfather Mr. Ladislao Kertesz and helpers like Nigel Boos, Don Mitchell and Jon Golding, and these four guys have been doing this, since the beginning, when some of us, were still little boys.

I suppose, we have grown up now; I believe and expect to hear, some more grown up decisions.
The Trinidad group?? Well, we are waiting for you guys, to get your house in order.
All four, becomes, One, and for all four we stand.
This is only, one committee member opinion, and I do not speak, for my other committee members or members.
Thanking you in advance, for your swift reply, Ian, and for your candid opinion, and as we approach this, brother to brother, I can already feel, things are looking better, for the future.
Your friend always, in any way, and any time, you may call upon me, with a true and sincere love to all my brothers, as we take, this journey thru Life.
Best regards to all,
Glen Mckoy.

Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2008 04:41:00 -070
Boy things down here in getting a group organised is problems.
There were old boys from 1944 to the closure of the school at MSB present in November 2007 when a large group got together up mount.
Joe Berment, Specs (Michael D'ornellas) and Joe Habib tried to have a formal sort of meeting to appoint chairman, secretary etc. and had as a primary item on the agenda the helping of the monks financially and the possible starting back of the school.
Most attendees (like myself) just wanted to talk to boys we did not see in years so the meeting never really got off the ground and everything turned ole mass when Wayne Chang arrived in his farmer brown with a cooler of cold beers on his shoulder around 2.00pm.
Then, Garth, Milton , Kieron, Jaggie, Jimmy samaroo, Myself, Puggy etc. started Wayne up and he is the same old LOUD guy.

He had us rolling. Some folks did not appreciate that though.
say what. Keith (puggy), Jaggie, Kieron, Milton and I still get together usually on Public Holidays to play all fours from about 2.00 pm till 9.00 pm at times at one of our houses.
The last one was at my home and I cooked a fish broth which frigging disappeared very quickly.
Boy Kieron has not changed when it comes to food.
He has a memory like an elephant.
He always has the rest of us laughing.
Say What Joe Berment ( your partner in school) should be the head of organising an old boys club.
He has to understand though that formalities must be limited.

When I was in form 2 & 3. The last night was always an experience.
Neville & Co. always made a list of guys to get lix on the last night before end of term on the Blackboard of the Form 4 rec room.
Always Johnny Garcia, Stephen Aboud, Mario Gangoo and Ian Gomes would head the list.
We always gave Neville hell.
He was the head of a group of bigger boys that always shared lix.
I played football for the college with that dude.
Winston Copeland never had mercy.
I would love to see these dudes again.
I never had any hard feelings against them and consider all mount boys my brothers.
They taught me to be tough and you had to develop a great deal of common sense & negotiating skills to avoid a cut arse.
That bond from boarding school is strong and we should all look out for each other.

Welcome, Ian Gomes
Nigel P. Boos <>
Friday, April 4, 2008 7:43:11 AM
Dear Ian,
Thank you for getting in touch with us. It's great to have you on board.
You have called names and this helps to place you in a certain year- group. But it would sure help if you could give me a little more info, for the database I'm developing, of all the Old Boys of the Abbey School. (I'm the unofficial database guy.)

1. What years were you and Nigel students at MSB?
2. Do either of you play any musical instruments?
3. There's a "Summer Jam" being prepared for the Old Boys somewhere in Florida. More info available eventually, if you'd like to be there.
(Bring your chac-chac.)
4. Would you like to let me have your telephone number?
5. The class pictures you sent - we've never had these before, as far as I know.
What year were they taken? (I've guessed 1969, but I most likely am wrong.)
Can you go through the pics and identify everyone you remember?

(This goes for everyone else to whom this email is being copied - please help me out here.)
Keep well, guys, and remember to say your prayers.

FW: Old Mount Boys/ A big welcome for Mr. Ian Gomes.
Glen Mckoy <>
Friday, April 4, 2008 4:59:31 AM
Hello Ian,
Remember you so well; in later years as we matured we became better friends.
Good to hear from you and all the bothers that a making it, there right to come forward and be acknowledged.
Say Hello to Nigel for me, take care, please write to me, when you get back.
Glen McKoy.

Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 15:19:07 -0700
Subject: Old Mount Boys
I decided to send an email to all you crosses who went to school with me.
Firstly, this is addressed to Skippy (Glen Schaefer. You old dog How you going?
The last time I saw you was when you came home by me with Puggy.
Embarrassed then as I did not recognise this big body individual.
Knew the face could not remember the name.
That shit won't happen again.
Tim Healy (Trini name "Smokey" if I recall correctly.
Good to get an email address will keep all of you posted on the old boys activities here if you are interested.
Glen Mc Koy - Spoke to Hudson when he was here. John Gioanetti took a few pics of that carnival lime. That boy still has not sent them to me. How you going man?
Henri Mendoza - I know the name but can't put a face to it. definitely know you were at mount during my time.
Azizul I sent an email to but got no response.
Winston I see occasionally.
Neil Charles - I remember the name. I believe you were in Nigel's class.
Jimmy I have your email address now.
When next Joe & co plan something I hope you take enough time off for that job to lime a little more.

Salvadore Coscarart - I believe the pic attached you're in it with some of the other addressees of this email.
Glen Evelyn - I used to hear about you from Richard De Gannes (a close friend) But now he in Nigeria and you all over de place in Oil.
Wayne Hackett - Boy you still beating pan. Phase II win dis year.
By now you done have de tune down pat.
Yeow Rennie

I will be in B'dos from Monday 7, 2008 for 2 weeks (Work) but send your emails any way don't expect a reply right away.
Ian Gomes

Ps. pic of me attached. Shit I old boy.
2 pics of my brother Nigel and classmates Nigel, My mother and I in Bequia (Island in the Grenadines. Nigel lives there now. He's as bald as ass HEE!)

Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount Inside No. 10 page 21
5UN0002CLASS1968, corrections made to the names
09LK0041CROSSROADS, on the road to TOCO
09LK0048BELLPOST, Somewhere in the Monastery

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