Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 2 July 2011 No.504
Dear Friends,
Anyone knows the whereabouts of Jaime d’Andrade graduated in 1952??.
The Circular hopes that he is well.
Caracas, 2 July 2011 No.504
Dear Friends,
Anyone knows the whereabouts of Jaime d’Andrade graduated in 1952??.
The Circular hopes that he is well.
73UN0002CLASS1973, Can you help?? no names??? maybe they're from QRC??
Look us up at for the issues that you have missed.
-------------------------------------------------------------Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 27 of April 2002. Circular No.24
Dear Friends,
Still I am sending the wrong article on the Abbey, I hope that this time a have it right.!!!
The following lines were sent to me by Don Mitchell, although I am sending it somewhat belated but it is interesting enough.
---------------------------------------------------------------------Don wrote:
I read with much amusement and enjoyment your memories of Fr Benedict in Ladislao's circular No 13. I visited Mount last April when I was in Trinidad for a conference and took the photographs of Fr Augustine, Fr Cuthbert, and Fr Benedict that now appear on Tony's web site.
It was then that I met and photographed Fr Augustine, who has unfortunately lost partially his sight. That is the colour photo that is on the web site. He was quite active and showed me around despite his handicap. We had a drink and something to eat in the old familiar cafeteria at the Abbey. I was interested to learn from him that he still has all the Abbey School records of all the years that the school was open. We can get to copy, if we can ever organise the expedition of arranging to take a photocopier to the Abbey, all the records of all the forms for our web pages.
Fr. Cuthbert was still working in the co-op he founded over 40 years ago, and he willingly allowed himself to be prised out from behind his desk to have the photos that you have seen taken. He was obviously hale and hearty if a bit thin.
Fr. Benedict was in his room when Fr Augustine showed me there. He would not allow me in, but came out to chat. You can imagine what a state his room must be in with all the bits of equipment lying around. He proudly brought out an amplifier that he had just built from scratch. It is visible in the photo, as he wanted to demonstrate that it was nearly loud enough to be heard down at the now abandoned playing field. He appeared in quite good health, if a bit frail. He assured me that he still has all of the hundreds of class photos that he took all those years ago as the official school photographer. My hope is that, if we can ever take a scanner up to the Abbey, before he passes away and someone cleans out his room for the last time, we will one day soon copy all the photos and put them up on the web. I hope that Fr. John reads this to him or prints and gives him your memoirs of him, to read
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here I am continuing the who is where, thanks to Roger Henderson:
12. Chris Krogh is deceased
From: gilleary <>
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 12:14 PM
Subject: Fw: HOME MOVE
Apologies if you get this more than once as am having a bit of trouble with sending too many names at once - some people will get two and others none but such is life!
Was waiting until things were finalised before writing to you all.
After 43 years at No.16 Pickering Way we are moving on.
We have sold our house and will eventually be relocating to an apartment presently being built at the RAAFA Retirement Village.
This is supposed to be ready by end of October.
Meanwhile, we have been very lucky as the son and daughter of our good friend, Cecile, have offered us to housesit her house until we are ready to move and they are ready to sell/rent or whatever they decide to do.
Cecile died very suddenly about two and a half months ago and they say their mother would have liked us to have the house which is wonderful for us as they are leaving most things in it and we only have to walk with a bed, our clothes and food and it is just around the corner from here.
It is so generous of them and makes it so easy for us.
We have an open agreement with them having a key and coming in whenever they wish to sort out their Mun's stuff, paint, etc. and we can come and go as we want.
It will be decidedly weird living there as I used to visit her about twice a week for a coffee or a glass of wine and I still miss her a lot and will expect to see her at every turn.
We will be taking our computer and our telephone with us so only the address will change to 6 Ratcliffe Road, Booragoon, 6154.
We plan to sleep there from 20th July which is when the phone gets moved.
We have been too busy packing up to think about the pain of leaving here but I think going to Cecile's for a while will be like a stepping stone and make it easier for us.
Even when we finally move we will be just across the Highway and won't have to change doctor, church, shopping etc.
My main worry is getting a garage which is easy to enter and exit as I am the worst parker and reverser in history!
Hope some of you will visit us in the future.
Karen and Lou Ann (daughter and daughter-in-law) have had me out shopping for furniture for the apartment and I just sit like a queen and let them choose and negotiate and just pipe up when I don't like something.
They have excellent taste and are good at bargaining (years of practice from holidaying in Bali) so I just have to produce the credit card at the end of the negotiation.
I detest shopping and choosing things so I am eternally gratefully that they seem to enjoy it so much!
Our stuff here is so old that we are taking very little and even our kids don't want most of it.
I think that, at this stage, St Vincent de Paul has more of our possessions than we do!
I was sad to part with my gracious-living-past in Trinidad of linen table cloths, crystal, etc. but must confess that even I have not used them for years.
My kids just look at me and ask "who's going to wash and iron that?" with great feeling in their voices so most have gone.
Space will be a problem in a two bed-room and a study apartment so we are trying to be ruthless.
Leary is not very good at chucking out stuff and is reading every piece of paper we have had since we arrived in Australia in 1967 so it is a slow process.
Thank goodness he still has the block of land with a shed, a caravan and a sea container on it as all are now full of the stuff he cannot part with.
The deal is he can take anything there but nothing can be moved into the apartment until we have settled and see what space we have!
I had better get back to my packing.
Will be in touch later.
Leary & Gillian
To my knowledge the following Old Boys have died: R. I. P.
3, 24, 27, 34, 45, 46, 69, 75, 78, 100. There are several others but I am not 100% sure.
Other notes: There were 3 American brothers, Tom, Dick and Harry but can’t remember surname. Possibly Tom is 21 and Dick 18. Harry may be 67 or 86 or 73. Someone else may know. They were the sons of a US Commander at Wallerfield Air Base during and after the war. Some of the best early aerial photos of the Mount and College were taken by their pilot father. Sometimes he would drop some of the developed photos by a little parachute for the boys.
Arthur Knaggs, 28, was the chief driver/supporter with Fr. Ildefonse in starting up the 2nd Mount St. Benedict Scout Troop. I was the second in Arthur’s patrol. Several of us became Queen Scouts, some of the first in the Island.
Fr. Placid, 31, replaced Fr. Bernard (Bobo) as College Rector while the latter went to Oxford to get his degree for teaching Chemistry. He set up the Laboratory on his return in 1951 and the first Chemistry courses started in 1952. I know this because the laboratory was not ready for the leaving class of ’51. This meant that the experimental class who did Higher Certificate had to do their School Certificate in one year and then Higher Cert in the second year, each of which normally require two years. The four guinea pigs, Peter Gaffney, Trevor Soodeen, Jaime d’Andrade and I sat Higher Cert in December 1953. This was the only Higher Cert class at Mount as far as I know.
Of the three Shouls from Antigua, Stephen was the youngest but he was the uncle of Ian and Conrad.
I show 83 in the front row as Don McIntyre but it could be that 83 is David de Castro in the row behind, in which case the front row man between 99 and 100 has no number. In fact, there would be two without allocated numbers as there is a blond kid in front of David de Castro. I have 84 as Julian Hutton behind Hugh MacLean 100.
60 – could it be Donald Boyd?
Can anyone put a date/year to this photograph? I think it is 1948, 49 or 50. I started at MSB in 1943 and graduated with 11 others in class of 51 but then stayed on for two years to do Higher Cert with the other three aforementioned.
Can anyone correct my thoughts or fill in the blanks?
Raymond McCartney
25 oct 2010
From: Nigel P. Boos <>
...Thanks, Kazim.
Looks like you've caught another fish, eh? Well done.
By copy of this note, I'm letting Raymond know that we exist and that we've been trying for a few years to contact him.
Now that he's emerged from the woodwork and stuck his head out, hopefully we can develop a rapport with him.
A special friend of yours, Raymond, has been trying to find you.
Here's a note I have from Salvador Coscarart (e-address above) which he'd sent to Attila Gyuris on Feb 25, 2010, and on which I was copied.
I'm sure he'd like to hear from you:
Feb 25, 2010
Hello Attila veo que esta vuelto un culo con los malave jajajajajaja.
Son tres hermanos , frank es el mayor , carlos es el segundo y jose es el menor que es de mi edad.
De los Rocafort. El mas carajito se llama carlos.que era menor que yo.
Raymond Mcarthy vive en California and he was Angel Dasilva brother in law.
That is what angel told me when I visited with him in Montreal last year , so I am trying to find Raymond.
Best wishes. Amigo. God bless.
Salvador Coscarart
------------------------------------------------------------------Raymond, please drop me a line sometime. (Who, which, why, what, when?)
Am I correct in assuming that you are of the McCartney family which lived in Sangre Grande and ran the Red Store?
Was Harold your uncle?
If so, then I might have some interesting news for you.
Nigel P. Boos
On 2010-10-24, at 6:06 PM, kazim abasali wrote:
Hi Nigel,
This is a registration from Raymond.
It is interesting to note that Raymond started his college education at Holy Cross College in Arima in my class, and then within the first year he came to our Abbey School where I met him 5 years later.
He did not remember me.
Just a side note.
Take care my friend.
Blessings to you and your family.....Kazim
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount Inside No. 10 page 24
73UN0002CLASS1973, Can you help??
10RD0002RDA, Ronald D´Abadie
Look us up at for the issues that you have missed.
-------------------------------------------------------------Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 27 of April 2002. Circular No.24
Dear Friends,
Still I am sending the wrong article on the Abbey, I hope that this time a have it right.!!!
The following lines were sent to me by Don Mitchell, although I am sending it somewhat belated but it is interesting enough.
---------------------------------------------------------------------Don wrote:
I read with much amusement and enjoyment your memories of Fr Benedict in Ladislao's circular No 13. I visited Mount last April when I was in Trinidad for a conference and took the photographs of Fr Augustine, Fr Cuthbert, and Fr Benedict that now appear on Tony's web site.
It was then that I met and photographed Fr Augustine, who has unfortunately lost partially his sight. That is the colour photo that is on the web site. He was quite active and showed me around despite his handicap. We had a drink and something to eat in the old familiar cafeteria at the Abbey. I was interested to learn from him that he still has all the Abbey School records of all the years that the school was open. We can get to copy, if we can ever organise the expedition of arranging to take a photocopier to the Abbey, all the records of all the forms for our web pages.
Fr. Cuthbert was still working in the co-op he founded over 40 years ago, and he willingly allowed himself to be prised out from behind his desk to have the photos that you have seen taken. He was obviously hale and hearty if a bit thin.
Fr. Benedict was in his room when Fr Augustine showed me there. He would not allow me in, but came out to chat. You can imagine what a state his room must be in with all the bits of equipment lying around. He proudly brought out an amplifier that he had just built from scratch. It is visible in the photo, as he wanted to demonstrate that it was nearly loud enough to be heard down at the now abandoned playing field. He appeared in quite good health, if a bit frail. He assured me that he still has all of the hundreds of class photos that he took all those years ago as the official school photographer. My hope is that, if we can ever take a scanner up to the Abbey, before he passes away and someone cleans out his room for the last time, we will one day soon copy all the photos and put them up on the web. I hope that Fr. John reads this to him or prints and gives him your memoirs of him, to read
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here I am continuing the who is where, thanks to Roger Henderson:
12. Chris Krogh is deceased
From: gilleary <>
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 12:14 PM
Subject: Fw: HOME MOVE
Apologies if you get this more than once as am having a bit of trouble with sending too many names at once - some people will get two and others none but such is life!
Was waiting until things were finalised before writing to you all.
After 43 years at No.16 Pickering Way we are moving on.
We have sold our house and will eventually be relocating to an apartment presently being built at the RAAFA Retirement Village.
This is supposed to be ready by end of October.
Meanwhile, we have been very lucky as the son and daughter of our good friend, Cecile, have offered us to housesit her house until we are ready to move and they are ready to sell/rent or whatever they decide to do.
Cecile died very suddenly about two and a half months ago and they say their mother would have liked us to have the house which is wonderful for us as they are leaving most things in it and we only have to walk with a bed, our clothes and food and it is just around the corner from here.
It is so generous of them and makes it so easy for us.
We have an open agreement with them having a key and coming in whenever they wish to sort out their Mun's stuff, paint, etc. and we can come and go as we want.
It will be decidedly weird living there as I used to visit her about twice a week for a coffee or a glass of wine and I still miss her a lot and will expect to see her at every turn.
We will be taking our computer and our telephone with us so only the address will change to 6 Ratcliffe Road, Booragoon, 6154.
We plan to sleep there from 20th July which is when the phone gets moved.
We have been too busy packing up to think about the pain of leaving here but I think going to Cecile's for a while will be like a stepping stone and make it easier for us.
Even when we finally move we will be just across the Highway and won't have to change doctor, church, shopping etc.
My main worry is getting a garage which is easy to enter and exit as I am the worst parker and reverser in history!
Hope some of you will visit us in the future.
Karen and Lou Ann (daughter and daughter-in-law) have had me out shopping for furniture for the apartment and I just sit like a queen and let them choose and negotiate and just pipe up when I don't like something.
They have excellent taste and are good at bargaining (years of practice from holidaying in Bali) so I just have to produce the credit card at the end of the negotiation.
I detest shopping and choosing things so I am eternally gratefully that they seem to enjoy it so much!
Our stuff here is so old that we are taking very little and even our kids don't want most of it.
I think that, at this stage, St Vincent de Paul has more of our possessions than we do!
I was sad to part with my gracious-living-past in Trinidad of linen table cloths, crystal, etc. but must confess that even I have not used them for years.
My kids just look at me and ask "who's going to wash and iron that?" with great feeling in their voices so most have gone.
Space will be a problem in a two bed-room and a study apartment so we are trying to be ruthless.
Leary is not very good at chucking out stuff and is reading every piece of paper we have had since we arrived in Australia in 1967 so it is a slow process.
Thank goodness he still has the block of land with a shed, a caravan and a sea container on it as all are now full of the stuff he cannot part with.
The deal is he can take anything there but nothing can be moved into the apartment until we have settled and see what space we have!
I had better get back to my packing.
Will be in touch later.
Leary & Gillian
To my knowledge the following Old Boys have died: R. I. P.
3, 24, 27, 34, 45, 46, 69, 75, 78, 100. There are several others but I am not 100% sure.
Other notes: There were 3 American brothers, Tom, Dick and Harry but can’t remember surname. Possibly Tom is 21 and Dick 18. Harry may be 67 or 86 or 73. Someone else may know. They were the sons of a US Commander at Wallerfield Air Base during and after the war. Some of the best early aerial photos of the Mount and College were taken by their pilot father. Sometimes he would drop some of the developed photos by a little parachute for the boys.
Arthur Knaggs, 28, was the chief driver/supporter with Fr. Ildefonse in starting up the 2nd Mount St. Benedict Scout Troop. I was the second in Arthur’s patrol. Several of us became Queen Scouts, some of the first in the Island.
Fr. Placid, 31, replaced Fr. Bernard (Bobo) as College Rector while the latter went to Oxford to get his degree for teaching Chemistry. He set up the Laboratory on his return in 1951 and the first Chemistry courses started in 1952. I know this because the laboratory was not ready for the leaving class of ’51. This meant that the experimental class who did Higher Certificate had to do their School Certificate in one year and then Higher Cert in the second year, each of which normally require two years. The four guinea pigs, Peter Gaffney, Trevor Soodeen, Jaime d’Andrade and I sat Higher Cert in December 1953. This was the only Higher Cert class at Mount as far as I know.
Of the three Shouls from Antigua, Stephen was the youngest but he was the uncle of Ian and Conrad.
I show 83 in the front row as Don McIntyre but it could be that 83 is David de Castro in the row behind, in which case the front row man between 99 and 100 has no number. In fact, there would be two without allocated numbers as there is a blond kid in front of David de Castro. I have 84 as Julian Hutton behind Hugh MacLean 100.
60 – could it be Donald Boyd?
Can anyone put a date/year to this photograph? I think it is 1948, 49 or 50. I started at MSB in 1943 and graduated with 11 others in class of 51 but then stayed on for two years to do Higher Cert with the other three aforementioned.
Can anyone correct my thoughts or fill in the blanks?
Raymond McCartney
25 oct 2010
From: Nigel P. Boos <>
...Thanks, Kazim.
Looks like you've caught another fish, eh? Well done.
By copy of this note, I'm letting Raymond know that we exist and that we've been trying for a few years to contact him.
Now that he's emerged from the woodwork and stuck his head out, hopefully we can develop a rapport with him.
A special friend of yours, Raymond, has been trying to find you.
Here's a note I have from Salvador Coscarart (e-address above) which he'd sent to Attila Gyuris on Feb 25, 2010, and on which I was copied.
I'm sure he'd like to hear from you:
Feb 25, 2010
Hello Attila veo que esta vuelto un culo con los malave jajajajajaja.
Son tres hermanos , frank es el mayor , carlos es el segundo y jose es el menor que es de mi edad.
De los Rocafort. El mas carajito se llama carlos.que era menor que yo.
Raymond Mcarthy vive en California and he was Angel Dasilva brother in law.
That is what angel told me when I visited with him in Montreal last year , so I am trying to find Raymond.
Best wishes. Amigo. God bless.
Salvador Coscarart
------------------------------------------------------------------Raymond, please drop me a line sometime. (Who, which, why, what, when?)
Am I correct in assuming that you are of the McCartney family which lived in Sangre Grande and ran the Red Store?
Was Harold your uncle?
If so, then I might have some interesting news for you.
Nigel P. Boos
On 2010-10-24, at 6:06 PM, kazim abasali wrote:
Hi Nigel,
This is a registration from Raymond.
It is interesting to note that Raymond started his college education at Holy Cross College in Arima in my class, and then within the first year he came to our Abbey School where I met him 5 years later.
He did not remember me.
Just a side note.
Take care my friend.
Blessings to you and your family.....Kazim
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount Inside No. 10 page 24
73UN0002CLASS1973, Can you help??
10RD0002RDA, Ronald D´Abadie
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