Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 3 September 2011 No.513
Dear Friends,
Pegus Michael
Pegus Thomas
Newsletter for the past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 29 of June 2002. Circular No.33
Dear friends now a few lines on my effort to find Anthony Lucky, this was the exchange:
Hi Ladislao,
I have just realised that I did not reply to the question concerning Anthony Lucky. I do not have his email address, but will try to get it and send it to you.
I was at a conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, year before last, and who should appear but Anthony. I had followed his career in the newspapers for the years intervening, but had not seen him since I was a small boy and he was graduating from Form V. He has had a very distinguished career over the years. He is now on the Court of Appeal, the highest local Court of Trinidad and Tobago. I was very happy to reacquaint myself with him and his wife Cintha.
All the best
Dear Don
I opened your Judge Lucky´s photo.
Is there a possibility with all the protocol, to send an email to Judge Lucky.??? Basically to have him know that there is a Web page and inquire if he would like to get further information. Maybe it would be good in eliminating some of his stress??
Let me know what would be your manner to proceed??.
God Bless
Hi Ladislao,
Anthony Lucky does have an email address and I am sure that he would enjoy reading the newsletters that you circulate. I am forwarding this one to him so that he will get your address and you will have his.
All the best,
Dear Don,
I trust that after seeing this reply Ladislao will erase from memory any thought, their that I am some "fuddy duddy ole judge" who is more fussy than the head of protocol about protocol. (smiles) I have been referred to by many lawyers included by many names, some of them rather uncomplimentary ( e.g. "the hanging judge", "judge dread", "of heavy sentences" etc ) but as you are aware a good judge does not consider himself to be in a popularity contest but to be fair and impartial. Most important, my wife and four daughters do agree that I am a "very pleasant person" and their opinions are valued. (smiles).
I look forward to the receipt of the newsletters and any other information.
I left the abbey school in December 1956 and went to Presentation college San Fernando where inter alia I won the Victor Ludorum at the annual sports beating their top sprinters and played cricket and football for the college, they had to find some way to make me "their own" rather than "that boy from the Mount", so de facto I became a "Pres Boy" (smiles). It is good to know that I am not an historical footnote in the annals of "the Mount" or a statistic.
May I take this opportunity to congratulate those who took the giant step to rejuvenate and activate a past students association.
With best wishes,
Continuing the Who is Where, thanks to Roger Henderson:
22. Gerard pampellone is in England
From the above you can see the effort that we make to get into contact with the ex-alumnae.
Do you wish to receive old circulars???, include in your reply the circular no. that you are missing and I shall try to send them to you.
Monday, November 2, 2009 12:13 PM
Exactly...That's what I do...
I have ONE email address for all my personal email, then I just move each incoming mail to the appropriately named folders as they come in, or delete them as the case may be.
Makes life a lot easier than trying to make the senders remember which email address is for what, then them making a mistake and sending it to the wrong address anyway.
Just my thoughts,
Attila Gyuris
From: Nigel P. Boos
Date: Monday, November 2, 2009, 2:40 AM
Thanks for your comment, Attila.
You've said exactly what was on my mind so there's no need to repeat it.
I too had not realized that there was a different email address for "Comments" and for "Circular Business."
I shall try to remember this, but it begins to get very complex.
I shall TRY to remember.
But now, looking back, I see that previously, you had sent out an advisory which gave the following information:
Now, this must make sense for you, I'm sure.
But what do you mean, for example by "TT ALUMNI a" or "b" ?
Would it not be easier for us to use one (1) only email address for you, and when you receive our notes, then you subdivide them as you wish into whatever categories you set up for yourself?
Perhaps we might instead use a notification system, to make it easier for YOU, if we were to indicate, in the "Subject" line, some words to identify the matter being discussed, such as, for example,
Just thinking aloud.
On 2009-11-02, at 12:10 AM, Attila GYURIS wrote:
Dear Laszlo
We are not "playing" at anything.
We are simply trying to correct a class photo that was mislabeled and also to to add some more names to the faces in it.
We were sending you cc; because we were including you in the loop.
I don't know which "reference" number is in the circular and I cannot remember in which circular the photo was originally sent out.
All I know It was a while back.
Is there an easy way to find this "reference" number you speak of?
By the way, I did not know that a system was in place that all the pictures had to go by a reference I know... I did notice that you label the pictures by a some series of numbers and letters but I was never told the reason why.
This class photo is mine, I have the original photo, and its label was uncertain as far as exactly which year and which class it was taken.
Now, upon further analysis with some new classmates who appeared recently (i.e. Kevan Torry) we determined for sure the class and the year it was taken.
That is all.
As far as which email address to send use for what.... It is not clear to me what constitutes simply a "comment" and what constitutes "Circular business".
You include some of the comments into the Circular, no?
Sorry if we caused any inconveniences for you but it was done with the best of intentions and it is the very first instance that this was pointed out to me. (to use the ref number system)
Keep up the good work.
Attila Gyuris
From: ladislao kertesz <>
Date: Sunday, November 1, 2009, 2:09 PM
Ok Attila and Nigel, what are we playing at????
The photo was sent out in the Circular with a reference number, why don’t you mention it in the email.
It makes easier to check, and to have a faster call back.
It does not help me and the web (kazim´s) site if we must look up all photos to make corrections???.
I want to make your life easier, that is why I number the photos, or if you propose another method, please use it?
There are over a thousand photos, who wants to memorise all of them??
So please let us help each other, is it fair???
And please use for comments.
This address is for the Circular and the Association business as you know Nigel, I need your help.
The other addresses are for reply on your inbox received Circular.
When I retire, I shall be less detailed, jajajaj
I do not want to loose control of all the action that is happening with our WWW
God Bless
From: Nigel P. Boos <>
Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009, 3:14 AM
Attila, Kevan,
If there's been a mistake in the naming of the photograph, it must be entirely my mistake.
Unfortunately, I left MSB in 1960, and I have little knowledge of what happened there after my departure.
I must rely on the advice of those who were there at specific times, to be able to date photographs accurately.
My problem now, is that I have so many pictures that I don't know which one you're referring to.
Would either of you kindly forward to me a copy of the picture you're discussing, so I can be on the same page, and make the necessary corrections?
From: Attila GYURIS
Sent: Thu, October 8, 2009 4:21:51 PM
It's this one...(see attached picture).
The label should say "Prep "A" class 1964-1965. Photo taken in June1965."
Attila Gyuris
From: Kevan Torry <>
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 10:57 AM
Was it Mr Joseph?
Last boy on right first row is Ricky de Verteuil.
Five from right top row Brian DuBulay (St Lucia).
Short kid first, first row Richard Mark.
Bartol was Italo Bartolo, was from Anaco and was here same time as Fulvio Cantore from El Tigre.
Think third from left top row was Jimmy Joseph from Puerto La Cruz.
Probably Prep as Michael and I both failed Prep (discipline problems) but I decided to study and went to Form I and left him in Prep.
I'll try and fill the blanks.
On 7-Oct-09, at 8:01 PM, Attila GYURIS wrote:
Thanks! Excellent.
You are absolutely correct, That picture is Prep A class from the school year 1964 - 1965 , and not Form I.
The picture is mislabeled.
That picture was taken by Fr. Vush sometime in mid -1965 (perhaps May or June 1965), before the school year was over.
I am drawing a huge blank on the teacher's name....
However all those boy's names are now coming back!
Looking forward for the rest of the names of those you remember.
Let's see if we can complete the entire class.
That would be great for the circular.
Attila Gyuris
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 12:51 PM,
Attila GYURIS <> wrote:
Hey Kevan:
Look at the attached class photo .
You are in front, sitting to the right of your cousin Michael, next to the teacher.... (what was his name?)
Is this Prep "A" (school year 1964-1965) or Form I class (school year 1965-1966)?
Can you tell?
Can you still name the guys in the picture.
I would appreciate it if you could help out with as many names as you can.
To jog your memory, I remember a few names, mostly last names, in the pictue: standing form left top right: (skipping):
Gary Romeo, Ronny Lew (little Nazi), Azar, Valentine, Bartolo, Ramlogan,
Sitting form left to right (skipping): Smith, Michael Torry, kevan Torry, ( the teacher ??), Garcia, Korda. etc.
Let's see how those memory cells of yours are doing... : - )
Many Thanks,
Ladislao Kertesz at,
63UN0005CLASS1966, How about naming the missing ones, jajaja
Mount Inside 6404 p9
74SC0204RVI, Renny Villafana´s photo in Cumana.
09PQ0001PQUWFE, Paul Quesnel and wife
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