Saturday, 17 December 2011

Circular No 528

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 17 December 2011 No.528
Dear Friends,

Nigel P. Boos

20 Jun
Thank you for picking up the ball and running with it. I appreciate your input.
Thank you for getting in touch with us, through Attila Gyuris.
It is a pity that we had not known that your father had been living in Canada.
We have been trying for a long time to contact all the Old Boys from the Abbey School at Mt. St. Benedict in Trinidad, but regretfully, one of the names we had really lost contact with was your father's.
Please accept my sincere condolences as well, on his passing.
I hope that he was in no pain, and that he was surrounded by loving friends and family.
In honour of your father, I would like to invite you to become a "pro-familia" member of our little Association, if nothing else, just to be kept in touch with whatever it is that we're doing from time to time.
And, of course, you just might meet some old friends of your dad's.
There are no fees, but it would be nice if you could send us a short synopsis of his "Life After Mt. St. Benedict" and a recent photograph of himself, for our records.
Perhaps you could give me a call sometime, and if you're around Ajax, we could have a coffee at Timmy's.
I have copied this email to some of the Old Boys who may have been class-mates of Errol's.
I thought that they would like to know about him.
May his soul rest in peace.
Best wishes.
Nigel P. Boos
On 19-Jun-09, at 11:55 PM, Attila GYURIS wrote:
Please accept my deepest condolences about the death of your father.
Being older than me, he was a couple of Forms above me, so we were not in the same clique, but still I remember your father from when he was still at the Abbey School.
Attila Gyuris
Abbey School alumnus 1964-1969
On Thu, 6/18/09, Kim Ng-Hem <> wrote:
From: Kim Ng-Hem <>
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 8:53 PM
I found this email address, while I was googling my father, Errol Ng-Hem.
He was among a list of classmates posted by Jan Koenradt
My father spoke a lot about his time at Mount St. Benedict throughout his life.
He passed away last week, on June 8th, only 58 years old.
Errol came to Canada in 1970 with my mother (also from Trinidad), and has left behind a successful business here in Toronto.
My grandfather owned PN Hem Hardware in Point Fortin.
Anyway, if anyone is still updating the blog/circular, I thought it would be of interest. It's too bad I didn't find this a couple weeks ago to share it with him.
Best Regards,
Kim Ng-Hem
Jan Koenraadt <>
date21 June 2009 16:05
I just received this email below.
I also wish to express my sincere condolances about the passing away of your father Errol Ng-Hem.
We were in the same class at the Abbey School, at least in the schoolyear 1964-1965.
I still have a class picture of that year which shows your father as #10.
I am #2 on that picture.
I live in the Netherlands, but from out here there are still good memories of your father.
Best wishes to you and all your family.
Friday, July 3, 2009 1:19:51 P
From: Nigel P. Boos <>
Laz, Don,
I was recently contacted by Kim Ng Hem, a daughter of Errol Ng Hem, an old Boy of MSB Class of 1968.
Kim advised me that her father had died on June 8th, 2009, and that, while googling his name on her computer, she discovered references to the Old Boys Association of Mt. St. Benedict.
Somehow, she found my telephone number.
It turns out that Errol had been a well-known businessman here in Toronto for a number of years, involved in providing clean water ("Soca Water") to the people of Toronto.
He had also been an active contributor to the annual Caribana festival in the city.
I had not known about Errol's presence here, but in light of Kim's contacting me, I have offered her an honorary "membership" in our little organization.
Kim plans to take her dad's ashes home to Trinidad in September, (17th - 27th) and to visit Mt. St. Benedict, which she has never seen.
It might, in that case, be an interesting gesture for one or two members of the ASAA Management Team, if they are available, to meet with Kim at that time and to extend a little hospitality towards her, or to assist her in her visit to the old school. it might also be a good idea to ask one of the priests (Fr. Cuthbert, perhaps) to escort her around the place.
Attached is a Funeral Memento in honour of Errol Ng Hem, as well as 2 news clippings indicting his involvement with the industry in which he was known and the culture in which he was interested.
Nigel Boos
The Abbey MSB Book
...10 nov 09
From: Nigel P. Boos <>
Sure, Arthur,
In fact, I send it out with every update to the database I'm trying to build.
The ASAA Committee is headed by Joe Berment, I believe, but others are also involved, so I'll copy this note to as many members as I know about, and Glen can click on each name (above) to get their email addresses.
I hope this helps, Glen.
On 2009-11-10, at 4:18 PM, Art & Val Knaggs wrote:
Do you have the Trini Commitee e-mail that you can give Glen, so he can formulate a plan.
Or pass him on to someone who can help.
Deeply appreciated.
As ever,
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 20:26:45 +0000
Hello Art,
I am not sending fowards any more, it had its purpose and it’s not really me, but we had a lot of interest, and it kept a lot of people in contact.
Now we have the all member attention, we can get back to, what we can do.
Art for the Kitty fund, all my guys from my time donated, I worked on that projects in getting my guys, from my time to donate.
About the book, an email came around awhile back, and that was it.
We have an account set up is Toronto, which was used for the Kitty Fund,
If a few guys was buying books, it would be good to order a few, or if they want a donation for the book, I would buy two books, and only take one, the other one would be a donation.
If we had an association in Trinidad, I would be glad to mail the money, or whatever, and they mail, the books up for us.
Sorry for brining that up.
I will get my copy somehow.
Thanks again,
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 14:13:44 -0400
Deeply agree with you.
Time to spread the time and workload, maybe Glen will take up the challenge.
Life is filled with talkers, yet so very few effective doer's.
As the saying goes "Action speaks louder than words!"
Ask for an insertion in the Bulletin for volunteer workers and see how many you may inspire.
On another matter.
Just contacted Dr Vitalis Gomes, who is located in the St. Catherines area Of Ontario.
He retired 6 years ago, and is coasting along there near the border.
He would like to be put on the Bulletin List; his e-mail address, (hope it works) is purported to be (with an address like that we all may be able to get H1N1 shots fast and free).
His phone is 905-892-8767.
He is fine and hearty.
Trevour Evelyn has been chatting with him as well.
Viti is in contact with Phillip Pollanais & Peter Gaffney, so these are two more.
You are all doing such a meaningful and fantastic job of moulding Our Group together, I raise my hat and heart to all your efforts and dedication.
For ever,
16 Oct
Dear Ladislao,
Thank you for this Circular No.412, #1, please don't be sorry for expressing how important, we the international body feels, about A NAME, we paid our dues, for our name.
So what school did you go to ??
Well, we are not allowed to use the name anymore.
Is this a joke ?
Its not so funny anymore.
Also very embarrassing to all noble Knights.
We cannot point the finger at any single brother, we are to blame only ourselves, for you are right, this is our time, however, any group anywhere in the world, that takes on a project, representing us, the entire alumni world-wide, must be prepared to deliver, must know when to ask for HELP, speak to the elders, past presidents, the Circular Circle, they will, then get the right experts involved, you are not alone on any project, anywhere.
You are alone, if you do not make proper contact, for we are a big group, in the hundreds, with an expert at almost anything, you can imagine.
We must be gentlemen, under all circumstances, as we take firm actions, that a no reply or no response, as disrespectful, and looked upon by some, as a direct insult.
I cannot predict the outcome, of this issue, or the many other obstacles we may, or not face on our climb up to "White Stones", but I can tell you this, there are many, Secret, Sacred Circles, around the world, and there is only one way in, you must have been a past student, of the "Abbey School, Mt. St.Benedict, Tunapuna Trinidad.
So what ever the outcome, as we say on our, "Pirate Cyber Sites" Welcome to the Club Amigos.
I do not want to say too much more on this issue, until it is resolved.
Just a few lines, thank you again Ladislao.
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount Inside No. 6407 page 16
09NG0002CARD, Errol Ng
55HH0004SPORTSFIELDFABBOT, at the old grand stand.
09CG3306CGU, Carlos Guio on a fishing mission.

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