Newsletter for the alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 8 January 2011 No.479
Dear Friends,
Who was Ricardo Mitchell, “Blackman”, can anyone remember him?
He was supposed to be a guitarist. (1978) or abouts.
Please help out the Circular.
Calling on the Circular helpers to locate the following old boys.
Hugh Murphy, (1976), (868) 640 7143.
Chankar, Mitra (1976), (868) 653 0928, 652 7891, 652 7254, 652 0156, 652 7894.
Was there a Michael Milne (1976) ???
Miguel Rangel (1976), TT guy or Venezuelan?
Check this one out, from the BANDIT
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 20:26:14 -0430
Dear Kazim,
I just ran thru the web page.
There are five members in the actual association. Missing in the list are Dennis Gurley, lawyer, and Peter Sammy, treasurer
In the future I shall be or maybe I am the vice president or second in command, as I feel that I can be the international member but can do little in the day to day affairs.
This title does not mean anything until the papers are signed.
From various meetings, there is a need of 5000 TT to cover the Auditor who must be incorporated in the nonprofit organization.
So we are stuck for now.
I shall mention this as it would be about 1000.00 US per year, SO NO ASSOCIATION POSSIBLE FOR NOW.
Please include Sammy´s photo and title.
God bless
I thank and appreciate you Ladislao for sharing the information.
I have put this information on the About us page
From: RicardoFiguera H.
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: Circular No. 330, The Abbey School MSB
Hi Ladislao.
Sorry I could not make it for Csaba´s dinner last Thursday.
Anyway I had him and Maricarmen at home for lunch just a couple of days before.
Photo 57RB0002a2 in Circular 330 is Richard Chacon.
When I left Mount upon graduation in December 1958, he must have been finishing Form III or Form IV.
I don´t know where he was from, but he was a very close friend of Timothy Mew who was in my class.
Timothy is from BG but now lives in Australia.
Not long ago Timothy told me he had been trying to find Chacon for many years but unfortunately without success.
By the way, for quite some time all e-mails I have sent to Timothy Mew have been returned.
Do you have his new e-mail address? Thank you.
Best regards.
Ricardo Figuera (Big Figuera)
Caracas, Venezuela
The guy with Csaba Jacobsen is Ricardo Figuera (older brother of Pablo Figuera who was in my class of 1961).
He was the Librarian for several years under Fr Augustine's supervision.
Fr Augustine was in charge of the library on the upper floor as you may recall at the classroom level.
Does anyone know where the Figueras are?
They lived in Venezuela but were originally from Spain.
All the best
John Gioannetti <>
Tuesday, February 5, 2008 8:43:21 PM
I must stand up respond with this when it comes to a person’s character and integrity.
Fr. Augustine.
1) He never taught me as my only interest in French is to attend a "Le Mans"
2) I always considered him the Strictest but the fairest of the actual Priest.
3) I have dyslexia; reading was extremely hard for me as a child.
Despite this I developed a love of books, which has remained with me.
And like Don this became my escape at Mount.
As the sports I was good at I could only do during my vacations not at Mount (Motorcycle riding, skin and scuba diving and spear-fishing), but once again I digress.
When I first went to MSB, novels, books, newspapers and radios of any kind were banned.
If someone brought a book to MSB, Fr. Augustine had to read it first and sign it before you could read it.
I swamped the poor man with so many, Battle of Brittan, and Books of Sailing, that he just began to sign the books without even reading them.
Many a nights he caught me with a torch light under the blanket reading, or in the toilet stalls in the junior dormitory.
I even figured out a way to get out the dormitory at night and would sit and read by the soft drink machine which gave off some extra light.
He would walk by and pretend I was not there.
He always pretended I was not there, even when I had a light cigarette in my mouth.
The concrete bench outside the infirmary was an out of bounds.
He would be going to the cellar where they kept the stocks for the bursar’s office and see me reading there, when I was supposed to be at the playing field.
He would walk straight past and never say a word.
We were not allowed to talk in the junior dormitory.
I had the top bunk and a very large fat Venezuelan American named Grey, who despite his size and his ability to sweat gallons, and had some form of aversion to showers, or any form of personal hygiene.
Grey would come in at night and put his filthy shirt on my bunk.
He was easily twice my size, and I had the dubious pleasure (According to you Old Boys) of being bullied by him.
One night I just snapped, and threw his shirt across the dormitory.
Fr. Augustine saw and told me to go to his cubicle for punishment.
I waited on Fr. Augustine, he came in got the strap and prepare to administer his punishment.
I told him what had transpired.
I told him I was refusing any punishment and I did not care if I was expelled.
You never would guess what he did.
He started to spank his bed, he then told me to go out and pretend that I was crying, because if the other boys knew that he gave me a break, they would pick on me.
Now to me that's a man, a Holy Man.
That was the closest I ever got to corporal punishment at MSB.
As a by note, I went to Mount because when I was at Fatima college, my mother noticed my back after I came out the bath.
She forced me to tell how I had got the welts and black and blues all over my back and buttocks.
It was a priest that had done it.
It was the only occasion I saw my father get mad at another person.
Ironically the Priest's father used to work with my father.
I think my father may have been his boss.
On boxing at Mount, maybe Fr.Theo?
By John Gioannetti
Do you remember the priest making people box, to air their so called differences.
We were not all boxers.
I dreaded that I would be put in that position one day.
Actually it was usually done on a Sunday night
I would make sure and hide when ever this sport was taking place.
Guess MSB did do something for me, I was extremely adept at bush craft, moving silently not being seen, and feeling comfortable in the bush at night with no light
For example, I can now creep up on animals without them running off, or stay very still till they come to me
Two Pics are attached as to how I use this skill, Note the cayman was not cropped, it wild animal, not in a zoo, and we were less than 5ft from each other
When I go out with other photographers they are usually amazed at the stealth I display despite my size.
(The photos are not included but you may imagine, ed.)
Andres Larsen <>...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 11:41:37 AM
Hello Nigel,
"Nazi" is none other than Myron, also known as Ronnie, Lew.
He is married to a Canadian, they both are chemical engineers but he is in the precious gems business, also doing business in the Netherlands and Belgium.
He and his wife commute between Florida and Caracas.
They have two grown sons, both in college, and both, from what I understand, also majoring in chemical engineering.
Myron and his two sons are professional tennis players on the side.
In his younger days Myron and family would stay on vacations at the hotel that Salvador Coscarart's mother, Theresa, owned and ran in Cumana in eastern Venezuela.
Hope that clears things up a bit about "Nazi".
His e-mail address is
Best regards
Andres Larsen
"Nigel P. Boos" <> wrote:
Wonderful, Andres.
Man! Didn't the guys at Mount have strange names, eh?
Just like mine, I guess!!
Say, did you know a chap named "Nazi" during your time.
I never knew the poor guy's name, but I always called him "Nazi".
Why? I don't even know.
But he was a great fellow, and in fact, I have a photograph of him, to share:
I thought his name was "Nascimento" or something like that?
So, do you remember him?
Andres Larsen <>...
Thursday, January 31, 2008 2:46:27 PM
That's how I remember you !!
It has been a real pleasure to hear from you, at one point I thought you were in Germany, and since them we never heard from you.
Probably Andrés Larsen knew but also for some time I did not see Andrés.
Me agrada si vienes a Caracas podemos vernos en algún momento.
Pronto te escribo nuevamente,
Alfredo Montiel Bezara
MSB 67-72
Now to the photos.
Ladislao Kertesz at,
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