Saturday, 29 January 2011

Circular No 482

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 29 January 2011 No.482
Dear Friends,
From here on, I shall be resending the old Circulars to complement your emails.
There has been a slow down on new information, I presume that all of you might have run out of time and or remembrances.
No worry, the Circular is ready to publish your DUES for this year. 
Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 1 of December 2001. Circular No.2
Dear friends,
I have checked the email address and corrected those that have been left undelivered, so I hope this second circular has better luck.
The bulletin msb mount inside 6407, year 1964, month July, starts at page p01, so if you missed any please ask for the missing pages.
I have the following names that maybe someone can give me a clue as the email address, whereabouts, Form V graduation date, nickname, and any information that might be useful to be used for the index that will appear in the reviewed web page.
The column published by Wayne is last in the attachment so please open it manually. He has interesting viewpoints on general world affairs and he is one of the select few that lived a special time in a special place and was our classmate. I hope that he does not mind my sending it to you.
God Bless
Ladislao Kertesz
Photo:  Herrera carnival 1
Article: msb p05 6407 mount inside
Column: wvb 011014
P.S. the photo, article and column, can be looked at in the Blog page:
From : "Christian Goddard" <>
Date : Tue, 16 Jul 2002 19:42:32 -0500
Hello Tony,
I was at Mount from 1953 to 1959 when I left to go to school in The States.
My brothers Brian and Donald had left a year earlier.
I presently live in Edmond, Oklahoma.
I have been enjoying the web site and thought that I would share some old photos that I had scanned in to my computer.
The web site brought back many fond memories.
Many thanks to you and Ladislao.
Best regards,
"Christian Goddard" <>
Date: 22 May 21:14 (PDT) 
Hola Ladislao,
I really do enjoy the circulars and want to thank you for your work and commitment.
I know that it time consuming but your efforts are appreciated.
I would like to be supportive and help with the expense of the web site.
How can I help? 
Let me know how much would be appropriate and where to send it.
Also, what would be most convenient cashier’s check or some other method?
Please let me know.
How are things in Venezuela?
Brian is always crying the blues.
I hope that the situation improves.
Best regards.
From:  Christian Goddard |
Date: 10/16/2005 9:32:22 AM
Hello Nigel,
Thank you for including me in your mailing list of the old photos.
I ran them through Adobe and brightened them up a bit.
I am returning to you the edited version of the photos.
I trust that you and your family are doing well.
I am retired and enjoying every minute.
I live in Oklahoma City.
The family is doing wonderfully.
Life is good.
Best regards,
Don Mitchell CBE QC <>
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 8:52:43 PM
I well remember Erin. 
But, Pancho?  No.
I did not begin smoking until the advanced age of about 16.
So, I guess I had no reason to.
Please contact Fr Cuthbert!!
Nigel P. Boos <>
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 6:50:16 PM
I do remember Pancho, and Mr. Tom.
But Erin - no, I don't know him.
Sounds like a character, though.

eden hutton <>
On 4-Feb-09, at 5:15 PM, eden hutton wrote:
Hi Nigel,
Two VIP's who really was a part of the Mt experience.
Erin was the head janitor.
He worked alone for many years before his helper was hired.
Erin had a limp due to infantile paralysis and the only self defence move ever created at the Mt was named after him.
The move comprises of jamming the sharp point of your knee into the opponent's thigh muscles with all your force.
The result?!
A severe pain and debilitating limp for a good 15 minutes!
Erin lived off the Mt road just below the new Seminary on the right, in a small shack with his ever smiling Indian wife.
He was generous with his Anchor Specials if you didn’t ask him too often, as any of the smokers will tell you.
Pancho looked like his name; he would have looked even more so wearing a sombrero of course.
Contact Fr Cuthbert. He probably made out their pay checks.
Best wishes, Eden
From: Ladislao Kertesz
Date: 10/16/2004 8:27:46 AM
Thank you Ben for the email
Please help me with other of your classmates, can you remember those that were with you?
When did you graduate Form V?
Can you tell us about yourself, just a couple of lines?
I am still missing Julien Hutton. Maybe I have the name wrong?
Are there any photos or other material from your time at the MSB?
God Bless
<-----Original Message----------------------------------------------------->
From: Ben and Helen Hutton
Sent: 10/15/2004 9:18:25 PM
Rolph Hive's ad
Robert deVerteuil <>
Tuesday, January 30, 2007 3:06:43 PM
Hi Ladislao,
Saw Rolph and got his address
Also sent him the last 6 circulars you sent me.
Best regards
Caraballeda, Venezuela—At 10:28 a.m La Guaira time on day three of the La Guaira Billfish Shootout, the all-time tournament record for blue marlin was broken and a place in history for the 40 boats and 118 anglers was secured. Angler Rolph Hive of Trinidad, fishing aboard the Freedom, released the 191st blue marlin of the tournament, breaking the previous record of 190 blue marlin caught during the 1988 Club Nautico de San Juan in Puerto Rico.
Rolph Hive
Managing Director
Tel: (868) 634-2213
Fax: (868) 634-4449
First impressions last…
That's why since 1969 we've put our best into every task, first time, every time.
We're expert at within-budget, on-time delivery in a fluid environment, where reliability means everything.
At Coastal Diving we are especially good at:
- Marine construction services in offshore energy and shipping
- Tug and barge ,cane and barge services
- Salvage and repair
- Underwater inspections
- NDT video and photography
- Ship husbandry
Some more thoughts by John Gioanetti
So out of the pot and into the fire.
When I returned from Australia, I started dating a girl, the same girl who had had the experiences I noted earlier with a MSB priest.
We actually used to date before as teenagers, and my parents would bring her up to MSM to see me I asked them to stop doing this as I did not want her to see me up there. Not in that environment.
Any way, she was very friendly with this Priest from Fatima, and would insist that we go to his Mass.
Her daughter loved this Priest and would rush up to him after Mass and kiss him, and the three of them would chat for quite a while.
This g/f knew the story and after months of begging I reluctantly agreed to chat with the 3 of them after Mass.
She said "Father, you know John?” He smiled. I said, “Yes we know each other very well and I hate this man.”
He looked me straight in the eye and said, "John I was stupid, there were other boys that I could not discipline and I took it out on you, I have tried to make amends for it other ways, please forgive me if you can." I shook his hand and said, “I forgive you, thank you"
I later found out how he had made amends, and in my opinion he did something that was pay back millions of times over.
He uncovered a scandal at an orphanage were children were being sexually abused and stopped it.
If it took my back, and the guilt of a Priest, to save those children so be it.
We don't pass each other with out a big hello. I photographed his family reunion last year. I have shot a few weddings where he is conducting the rites; we always have time for a friendly word.
Now to the photos.
Ladislao Kertesz at,
59WK0045TUGAWAR, a sports photo
08UN1506REUNION, Christopher Knowles and Kenneth Austin
08 TH0462THEFAM, Tim Healy and son.

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