Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 2 April 2011 No.491
Dear Friends,
The old Circular that follows is not the complete issue, as some material is not of general interest.
The sad story is Gerald Kenny´s health problems.
We are asking for donations for his doctor’s bill and other, please read and collaborate.
Remember that all Circulars can be read in Don Mitchell´s Blog page.
Caracas, 26 January 2002. Circular No.11
Dear Friends,
I have been getting response as to the contents of the circulars, I appreciate all comments.
There is comment that the circulars should have old time stories and material to cover our stay at the mount. But how can I write for the experience of the others???
You must remember that our class was made up by at least by three groups of interest, or whatever can it be called. Those that spent their time in the old boys room, those that gathered with others in the backyard of the school, near the tennis practice board, and those that spent time with younger schoolmates playing sports, games, hobbies and the MUST, reading a book per month.
I can write for the last but not for the first two, I was no scout, did not official handcraft or whatever it was called, but did sports, running, javelin, discus, some swimming and tennis all at the playfield.
Another of a regular event that happened at the Mount:
In this one I wanted to recall our everyday going to Mass. What can I say, this can be called a routine but for some it might recall happiness but for the majority it was no fun. The prefects had to keep their charge awake, no head was allowed to touch the bench top and the kneeling had to be straight, no backside was allowed to touch the seat. In my case I was one of those that preferred study to Mass. From Prep A to Form III we were placed in a routine of going to Mass as soon as we woke up, before breakfast. The Mass lasted exactly 37 minutes!!!, joking, but there were favourite priests who took about 30 minutes and those not so favourite that took 45 minutes. No matter those with a watch always found that the time crawled. Naturally I am talking as a personal experience and the looks on the faces of those that kneeled around my location. Piece of wood plank was the surface for kneeling not the soft kneeling stools of nowadays. But I enjoyed the Latin of them days to the local language and the Gregorian singing to the rock and whatever that is done today.
Here is the last exchange that appears in my files from Gerald.
Hope that he gets well, God willing.
He is in our prayers.
From: Gerald Kenny
Sent: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 00:37:53 -0400
Hi all,
Once again with the perfusion of spam, and with the move to new offices, I have decided to change my personal email to separate my work and personal correspondence.
My original email of gkenny@ fiberline is now reserved strictly for work, and my new address of is now reserved for all personal and private email.
Please change your records accordingly.
With much thanks.
Take care,
Dear Gerard,
I have made a note for the address.
Please forgive if you are getting it in the old address.
Now down to serious matter, you have not sent in a resume of 50 words???
I have no information on you except eye to eye.
I need this for the listing and the archives for when the Martians land on earth.
I am sure someone is going to write a book and .....
Please try to scan the photos that Stuart loaned to you???? or he promised and did not give it to you.
I am in a dilemma as to making a return trip to TT, now that I managed to round up quite a few Alumni, what is your opinion.
Of course before Chavez saves the world !!!.
God Bless7
Re: $52,000 Offer to the Gerald Kenny Medical Fund -
From: Nigel Boos <>
30 MARCH 2011
Thanks again, Jon.
Laz, please do what you can to let the guys know about Gerald's condition and his need.
Any contributions would be welcome, and by copy of this note to Kevin, Gerald's brother, I'm asking him to let you have the Paypal account details, to pass on to the guys.
Best wishes.
On 2011-03-29, at 6:55 PM, Jon Golding wrote:
Our prayers are worth more than money at this time!
So thanks for that spirit of giving.
The TT$52,000 (about US$9,000) headline is part of an email circular I am sending to my entire circle.
But you need to read the whole thing which I’ll try and send you but I’m time pressed all week.
In essence I have pledged to give half if the other half can come from those whom I approached.
Yes, an old MSB appeal is in order.
Many of the boys in TT already know of course but reminders are always good.
Kevin his brother is handling his affairs and has set up a PayPal account for overseas people to make a small credit card donation from US$10 upwards.
I’ll try and organize this a bit better by the weekend.
Thanks for your prayers Nigel!!
God bless!
From: Nigel Boos []
Sent: 29 March 2011 23:41
Thanks for the info, Jon.
I really had no idea about this. I'm sorry to hear about Gerald's sorry condition, and I wish I could be of some financial support to him in his hour of need.
Unfortunately, however, I too am having serious problems of my own, and all I can do at this time is to offer my prayers for him.
That I do pledge.
I'm sending this to Ladislao, so that he in turn can send out an appeal to all the Old Boys of MSB to get involved if they are able to do so.
By the way, is this TT$52,000 or US$52,000 or whatever, that's needed?
Thanks again. Keep well.
Gerald Kenny (MSB 1962) in 2009. Now suffering (2011) with terminal brain cancer in Trinidad.
On 2011-03-29, at 6:16 PM, Jon Golding wrote:
He has terminal cancer, recently discovered two large brain tumours.
Cannot speak and is in a bad way, nothing like the photo in the email.
Being treated in TT radiation and chemo at great expense and he’s in poor financial shape that’s why everyone is chipping in whatever they can to help.
Very sad but he’s trying his best to win poor fella!
God bless him. Not much else to say!
Thanks for your concern
On 2011-03-27, at 6:12 PM, Jon Golding wrote:
Thanks for this link. I will see if I can get the few Trinis I know of in TT, UK, US and Canada to participate.
I’ve added them to your email list and will email others later since there are too many addresses for this email.
OFFER: Here’s an offer no one on this list can refuse which will bring in some cash for Gerald. It’s a Fantastic Offer for everyone in TT to join me in contributing $52,000 ($26,000 from me and $26,000 that I will GIVE that person to give to Gerald). The catch is very soft, you only send this message to your contacts.
All you have to do is introduce a buyer for my Bayside apartment and I will pay you the 3% agent’s fee on condition you give one third of it (1% = $26,000) to the GK Medical Fund, to match the 1% = $26,000 I will give from the proceeds I receive.
OK, if no one from this list, or any others you refer to me, manages to get me a buyer, I nevertheless pledge my 1% to the fund as soon as the sale closes.
To make it easy for all of us, I have set up a website dedicated to the apartment sale which has all the details:
WEBSITE. Go to:,
Simply send this link to as many people as you can; buyers or introducers – I will find out who referred them in each case so you get the credit.
I hope this incentive will add a bit of spice (and more money) to the already strong moral and loyal support Gerald is receiving from all of his close friends on this list.
I hope you do not mind me approaching you in this way since Gerald is my oldest friend in the world!
Thanks for supporting a great guy just when he needs it most!!
From: Kevin Kenny []
Sent: 27 March 2011 19:40
The following is the link via Paypal if you wish to make a donation to the fund raiser for Gerald.
Just follow the instruction.
It is a Paypal account through which can use your credit card directly or if you prefer to use your own paypal account to log in.
Best regards and thanks on behalf of our family.
Kevin & Susan
From: Nigel Boos []
Sent: 29 March 2011 23:41
Thanks for the info, Jon. I really had no idea about this.
I'm sorry to hear about Gerald's sorry condition, and I wish I could be of some financial support to him in his hour of need.
Unfortunately, however, I too am having serious problems of my own, and all I can do at this time is to offer my prayers for him.
That I do pledge.
I'm sending this to Ladislao, so that he in turn can send out an appeal to all the Old Boys of MSB to get involved if they are able to do so.
By the way, is this TT$52,000 or US$52,000 or whatever, that's needed?
Thanks again. Keep well.
On 2011-03-29, at 6:16 PM, Jon Golding wrote:
He has terminal cancer, recently discovered two large brain tumours.
Cannot speak and is in a bad way, nothing like the photo in the email.
Being treated in TT radiation and chemo at great expense and he’s in poor financial shape that’s why everyone is chipping in whatever they can to help.
Very sad but he’s trying his best to win poor fella!
God bless him. Not much else to say!
Thanks for your concern
Sorry that this Circular does not have good news but we must understand the time passes and we of the older generation must be prepared.
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount Inside No. 10 page 11
56DA0001DANSCOUTS, latest names on the photo.
09GK0002GKEBLE, Gerald Kenny and Brian Lewis.
56KA0017FCL, Fr. Chris, this is the only photo in the archives
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