Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 16 April 2011 No.493
Dear Friends,
I am enclosing a CLASS 1965 photo, without any names? I know that it has been a long time ago, but Desmond Smith still remembers his classmates, that is close to 70 years ago.
Another view of the BANDIT o better yet songs.
FW: TuneCore Media Player
...24 march 2011
From: Ladislao Kertesz <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 01:54:40 -0400
Best wishes to you and your family...
I am presently in Trinidad reviving the village band in St. John Road ( the road that leads to the Mount)
I am getting the Steelband ( Flamingos’ ) ready for the Panorama competition...also enjoying the warm family tells me it is now -25celcius in Montreal ...that's cold.
Take care and best wishes thanks for the update on Calypso Bandit
CIRCULAR NO:13 is missing, would anyone have it??
Please check your files.
Face book link
Paypal link
Many thanks
Re: Gerald Kenny fund raising posted on our Mount website
15 april 2011
From: kazim abasali <>
The website is re posted with latest update of Gerald's situation.
Just keep me up-to-date of his condition and fund raising efforts and I will keep posting on website for boys to see.
Take care.....
PS. Jon thanks you for your replies and your valuable charitable gift to Gerald. It is greatly appreciated. God richly bless you.
On 13-Apr-11 10:24 AM, kazim abasali wrote:
Hi Kevin, Jon, Ladislao, Nigel and Don,
Gerald Kenny fund raising is posted on our Mount website.
Any response will be welcome in order to get urgent financial and medical aid to Gerald.
In order to facilitate Jon's offer of selling his property to help his lifelong friend, I have decided to put this information on the Mount Alumni website.
Continue to take care, and I pray for a speedy sale of the property and therefore more urgent medical attention for Gerald.
Re: Gerald Kenny fund raising posted on our Mount website
From: Kevin Kenny Mac <>
Dear Nigel.
The cost of Gerald’s treatment to date is just over $500,000 so John’s commitment to contribute $27,000 is greatly appreciated.
As we go forward his monthly medical cost will be around $40,000 per month once he does not have to be hospitalized.
The last time we put him into St Clair Medical, it cost $20,000 per week.
So the need to rise additional funding will continue.
Many thanks for all your support.
Best regards
On Apr 13, 2011, at 2:36 PM, Nigel Boos <> wrote:
I'm so glad to hear that the funds for Gerald's care have now been found.
This must be a great relief to you and to all his friends.
Praise God for his great goodness to our dear Gerald, and thanks to Jon Golding who has been able to help in such a dramatic manner.
Love y'all.
On 2011-04-13, at 2:58 PM, Jon Golding wrote:
Thank you again for taking such an interest in my oldest friend in the world who is one of our old boys and for spreading the word.
A quick correction and good news!!
I signed a deal today to sell my property which the attorneys now have in hand so I can speak openly about it.
Accordingly, I will be making a donation of 1% of the sale price upon completion in a couple months time and there is no need to publicise the apartment any more.
Good news for Gerald and good news for me.
However, that should not stop the fund rising which is all being handled by Geralds’ youngest brother, Kevin, who I see you have copied.
Let’s hope people respond as they did a few days ago from his fund raising concert in Trinidad.
All the best
Cornel de Freitas
3 Apr (13 days ago)
Picture #099:Michael and family,Lorenzo's First Communion
Dear Ladislao,
Thank you so very much for your really great contribution and continued service to all of the "Boys / Brothers" from Mount St. Benedict.
I kind of dropped off the radar since my truly beloved brother Carlos passed away last year.
Of my two brothers and sisters ( there were five us in my family) but since I was the eldest, and was shipped off to attend School at Mount St. Benedict at a young age, my brothers and sisters kind of 'grew up' without me and we did not get to know each other very well, except for my brother Carlos.
We were very close.
In the years that followed after I left Mount St. Benedict, life was pretty tough for me, but I could always depend on Carlos, and throughout my life we grew even closer.
Ladislao, I need you to know, I do so look forward to your Circulars, they mean a lot to me as I have always appreciated The Mount, and cared a lot for my "Other Brothers" that I grew up with at 'The Mount'.
They were ALL also my little and big brothers to me, since we of grew up together over the years attending 'The Mount'.
Since then I was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism in my lungs, and was treated for it.
I guess as a result my life has changed, I have had to make changes, and that also takes time to get used to.
Anyway, Best wishes to you and your family, and I pray GOD send you and your loved ones special blessings for the sacrifices that I am sure you, and they, have to make in order to be able to accommodate all of the 'Big Brothers' from 'The Mount'.
May GOD Bless you in a special way and please, don't forget to send me those Circulars, Keep them coming.
One Quick Question, Is there a "site" one can go to and see/view a whole collection of pictures taken at the Mount over the years we went to school there?
From the beginning to the closing?
That would be a most fantastic Journey through our time there.
Some time ago I happened to see some photographs of that famous path we always took to go down to the sports field and swimming pool behind the Guest house, and I couldn’t believe my eyes how terrible it looked.
I guess no one has the need to use it anymore, so it was terribly overgrown.
I remember we use to have races seeing who could get down that hill first or back up first on the way back up to the school.
Bye for now,
A most loyal and appreciative "brother"
MSB 1959-1964
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA
Subject: RE: re Joe Berment
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 00:00:18 +0000
Yes I know his is one of the good ones
I am just kidding with him
Azizul Kenny Mohammed
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 20:21:32 +0000
Remember that he has the verbal knack of a politician, so his rhetoric is vast and prolific.
This element is sometimes confusing for us in the business community, jajajaj
He is a good guy
God bless
azizul mohammed
13 Apr (2 days ago)
Now in English wat are u trying to say and please do not inhale any chemicals before u answer
Azizul Kenny Mohammed
From: Joseph Berment-McDowald <>
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 6:59 PM
Dear Friend,
I now host the live call-in radio programme Issues and Perspectives on Heritage Radio 101.7 on Tuesdays and Thursdays after the 4:00 p.m. news until 6:00 p.m. The programme is intended to respond to contemporary events in a manner that speaks to the developmental challenges and opportunities for beneficial change that we have as a nation AS WELL AS to attempt to insert our caller’s ideas for improvement into the national agenda. Next week will be different from the norm as I will be on air at the same times from Monday to Thursday.
In general, I attempt to facilitate discussion and critical thinking that draws from business, economics and the other social sciences including the theory of organisations as tools in analysing our present circumstances and suggesting improvements, in the hope that the informed voices of the people will be heard by the politicians and policy makers. We give those of us whom love Trinidad and Tobago hope that we can play a useful role in driving our country forward, by providing the medium.
You can listen to us streaming live at and you are welcome to call us during the show at (868)6283896 and (868) 6284846. You are free to suggest a topic or unburden you pet peeve during our open segments. Well polished rants that avoid profanity and slander are welcome, provided that they are no more than three minutes long. If you send me your cellular telephone number I will send you text reminders before the programme starts.
Please do me the favour by sending this letter to those on your e-mail list.
Sincerely yours,
Joseph Berment-McDowald
Sorry that this Circular does not have good news but we must understand the time passes and we of the older generation must be prepared.
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount Inside No. 10 page 13,
60LK0001REPORT, Terminal Report Card´s cover
62UN0001CLASS1965, Lots photos with UNKNOWNS
50JG0001TODDSCHOOL, An old photo of Gerald Kenny and others
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