Saturday, 15 October 2011

Circular No 519

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 15 October 2011 No.519
Dear Friends, 
Here is a video that you should open while you read the Circular. 
Continuing the early Circulars:
Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 10 of August 2002. Circular No. 39
Dear Friends, here is news from a long forgotten CD made by a Choir The Assumption Folk Chorale directed by our friend and old boy Nigel Boos.
Here is the story on occasion of a new anniversary.
Dear Las, 
The last time I met with the Choir was in 1985 when I was asked to conduct them for the 15th Anniversary Celebrations at Assumption Church. It was really something special. When I walked into the Church for the practice, I could hardly believe it - - - so many of the "kids' had turned up that 1/3 of the church was filled with Choir members and their husbands / wives and muchos ninos. I felt a great lump in my throat and when I got to the podium eventually and started them off on one of our old favourites, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic", the years simply fell away. it was as if they hadn't missed a beat since my last meeting with them 11 years before. The Choir has formed an important part of my life, Las, and I believe that God must have used me to draw some of his children back to him, through music. Many of these young people are today extremely active in the Charismatic Renewal in Trinidad and elsewhere, so maybe we did have an effect, after all.
Can you make a story out of all of that? 
This isn't really a news item. But for the record, it's just a record I made with a choir I founded in 1969 by the name of "The Assumption Folk Chorale".
The Choir operated (and probably still does) out of the Assumption Church in Maraval. At the time of founding it, I had intended it to be a forum for teenage religious expression and no effort was ever made to exclude anyone of any faith whatever.
Basically, I tried to encourage youngsters who wanted to meet together in a communal spirit to praise God and to enjoy one another's company.. We had blacks, white, pinks, browns, yellows, greens, purples, reds, and practically every hue of the human condition. We had a wonderful time, and the record was one of our productions intended to document the fact of our existence, and to demonstrate new forms of praise and worship.
The teenagers of 1969 -1974 are now turning 50 and they're having a get-together in Mayaro in August 2002. I understand that they're coming together from many parts of the world for the occasion, and they'll be attempting to celebrate the mass using the songs we loved back in the distant past. So much for the news item.
Good luck in all your efforts, Las. 
Dear Salvador, 
Thank you for your kind words and for the memories. I agree, our days at MSB were special, although perhaps we didn't think so at the time. It is wonderful to see how Ladislao has been able to bring so many of us together through the use of the computer.
The record you're referring to was made back in 1970 and it seems to have become a sort of rallying point for the teenagers of those days, who are getting together again next month in  Trinidad to celebrate their "Group Age 50" since so many of them are turning 50 either last year, this year or next year.
Thanks also for the invitation to contact you in Louisiana. May I extend the same courtesy to you if you should happen to pass through Ajax, Ontario.
God bless, and keep the faith. 
-----------------------------------------------------------------,  wrote:
Hello Nigel, it has been a very long time. My name is,Salvador Coscarart and my brother Pedro, we both went to the Abbey School in 67 to 75.
We are from Venezuela, two years ago we went to visit our sisters and she gave us back a record that I had purchased in Trinidad, it was one of your records and your Choir, I also found a picture taken at the abbey refectory during a mass with the boy scouts and your Choir, Father Cuthbert was saying the mass and you were standing behind him.
Just wanted to tell you hello and I’m glad to know you have done good for yourself, I have been in contact with, Tony Johnson and Ladislao, it is also nice to have met new oldboys from Mount, I live in the USA now in Louisiana, Lafayette. if you ever come around this way you are welcome, my phone and address are in the Abbey School Web, best wishes God bless  
Salvador Coscarart Msb Old Boy.
For those that like to collect Choir music, please contact either Nigel or Salvador. CDs are part of our history.
Continuing the Who is Where,  
28. Allan and Kirby Peters has a Poultry farm near San Fernando.
These letters were not included in the Circular where we mentioned  Gerald Kenny  passing away.
I believe that all who write should have a chance to be included in the Circular.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011 8:53 PM 
Sorry, Ladislao,
I just thought to check to make sure you were in this circular, and discover to my dismay that you are not. So, I am forwarding it to you.
From: Richard Farah []
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 21:03 PM 
As his cousin, I knew Gerald from my youth.
He was as remarkably talented and he was a person whose life was not driven by the acquision of wealth.
As young boys we used to play the piano together often..
That he was to show such great musical talent,
I could never have guessed.
He never got over the death of his first son, as his hair turned prematurely gray.
He made Music his great passion, and it was a pleasure to know him, in this short life we live.
He will always be missed by all who had the privilege to know him.
Richard Farah. 
Thank you very much for your kind words.
These last five months have been remarkable.
Gerald lived a simple life never striving to place his footprint on any major matter, just living life day by day, taking it as it came.
He was generous to a fault, giving of his time and talent and sometimes his money, to anyone who asked.
He was very comfortable being in the back ground, supporting those many individuals who strived for the limelight.
Certainly in my life I do not think that he ever refused anything I asked of him.  
And in his difficulties his kindness was repaid a thousand times over.
When the appeal went out for help raise funds to offset his significant medical bills those whose life he had touched came running with their wallets open.
I received sums as low as $50 in in an unmarked white envelope placed in our mail box.
It contained a short note   "this is all I can afford but am sure it will help in some small way" .
It was unsigned perhaps because the person was embarrassed or because that was all they could give, perhaps they had received much more from him in the past.
Then there were the checks that were so large.
In one case I tried to give one back but the individual simply refused.  
Over the years there we many times when I wondered why we stayed in this country of ours, so many issues.
Yet this short time with Gerald’s illness reminded me what a special place this is and what a remarkable people we are.
Trinidad and Tobago is a village that remembers and understands those wonderful words "community, friendship, generosity and charity". 
The night of the concert 1497 people walked through the door.
The cash receipts far outweighed the tickets sold. WOW.  
This is my brother, who I loved so dearly and who I will miss so very much.
Tonight is the first time I have been able to express myself so I thank you for your timely email and your kind words.
Best regards
On Jun 1, 2011, at 5:52 PM, Don Mitchell CBE QC <> wrote: 
Dear Kevin, 
I was so sorry to receive the news of Gerald’s death. 
I remember him as a boy at the Abbey School, and I was happy to meet up with him again in recent years at Abbey School, old-boy events. 
All my sympathy goes out to his family and friends. 
With all best wishes, 
Don Mitchell, Anguilla 
Ladislao Kertesz <>
Date 19 July 2009 09:15 
Dear Gerry
Good to hear from you.
Do not forget to look up the blog page for all the past issues.
Please help out with the Circular.
Send in your brief Curriculum Vitae so that your friend would keep from guessing of you career.
Any photo???
Also how about the memorabilia, need old stories photos.
God Bless
Ladislao Kertesz (editor) 
2009/7/18 <
Hi Guys ..
Thank you for the update and pictures..
Looks like I missed out on a great night..
Will attend the next gathering for sure..
I knew Cornel well at MSB and would never recognize him on the street.
Time has changed us all, however the memories remain like yesterday..
I remembered Terrance singing "Big Big Bamboo" just about every day in the showers.
Great memories..
Abbey Boys List.....
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 8:52:51 AM
From: Nigel P. Boos <> 
Thanks for the update, Gerry.
Any chance of getting a recent photo?
On 8-Jun-09, at 12:41 PM, wrote: 
Hi Nigel.
Have a few minutes so here I am with the information you requested.
Left MSB during the Black Power threat which eventually lead to the school closing.
Spend time up to 1972 in Trinidad in family retail business.
Migrated to Vancouver BC in 1972 and attended Simon Fraser.
Left Vancouver in 1978 for Calgary.
Worked for Don and Bradstreet for a year or so, then joined Bank of Montreal.
Managed Branches in Calgary and later transferred to Burlington in 1982 to head up a major project.
Later managed the Burlington Data Centre for a couple years, and then transferred to Toronto Data Centre as Sr. Manager.
Later transferred to a Sr. Head Office position at Bay and Bloor.
Retired from the bank in 1994. 
On the road to final retirement, I am self employed and owns a Commodity Trading Company. 
Over the years business in Trinidad requires frequent visits back and forth.
Currently active in Trinidad.
Have kept in touch with a couple guys but not to the scale as you have.
I understand that I have missed some re-unions over the years, but intend on attending the next.
I also understand that there is a Canadian Group of Old Boys.
Great to see you are doing this though.
Gerry Chin - Cham 
Re: Abbey Boys List..
Monday, June 8, 2009 6:26:00 AM
From: Nigel P. Boos <> 
A totally unexpected and most welcome addition to the database, Gerry.
Thank you very much.
Please keep me informed as further info develops. 
Also, would you mind sending me a one-paragraph summary of your "Life after Mount", together with a +/- recent photograph of yourself, for the records.
Rest assured that your response will be published subsequently in Ladislao Kertesz's (Class of 1960, Venezuela) regular Circulars.
Nigel P. Boos 
On 7-Jun-09, at 10:57 PM, wrote: 
Hi Nigel..
Got a copy of your Old Boys List from Barry Rosant and find it very interesting that someone has kept these records.
There is a lot that I can add / correct from memory and will as I get the time.
Please add the following names and address.
Will get you phone numbers / emails addresses later. 
John Kom Tong, Vancouver BC.. Retired from Construction. Left mount in 1968 ?
John Soo Kaim, Vancouver BC.. Retired, Left mount in 1968.      
You can update my profile as follows.
Left Abbey 1968.. Retired Banker Manager, Currently Self Employed. Lives in Burlington, Ont. Canada 905-510-8414 cell.
Gerry Chin - Cham  
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount inside 6407 p6
57GM0002GRP, George Mickiewicz photo, no names.
65AG0003AQUALADS, There is only one name !!!

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