Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 22 October 2011 No.520
Dear Friends,
I shall stop sending out a copy of the old Circulars from now on, but I shall if I find it difficult to fill the pages with you messages. I thought that I might generate interest in you but no luck.
Some would like to have their names recorded in the Circular, but that is only possible when you write.
Make a plan and send us your curriculum, an updated photo, etc.
I am annexing the back and forth between old school boys so that you may judge and maybe get into the debate.
To Glen and de fellas an dem,
I went to Mount in the mid seventies therefore I would count as a youngster to most of you guys.
Also you were from a different era - me being the "whippersnapper" and you being the ..... let's just say "matured ones" and after reading the flurry of emails I can say emphatically that;
1) You all are definitely fruits of the Mount
2) The more things change the more they remain the same (doesn’t matter the year you went to the Mount)
3) There will always be sensitive ones amongst us ......... and last but not least
4) There will always be sensible ones amongst us!
My point is ....... if you have an issue deal with it at source not for all to see.
As we get older and lonelier we need to let go of some of the shit we have been carrying around and try to make more friends and less enemies.
Some of us have grown more spiritual and are therefore less tolerant of certain things/taboos .... that is quote alright - but you need to let us know up front so that you will not be offended.
I believe that this forum is being held together because we want to keep in touch and we share some of the same interests - for some that maybe adult content and for others current world affairs.
Whatever it may be you are here because you want to be included in this brotherhood and because you are entitled to be included.
It is all up to YOU !!! ........... do what you need to do to be part of this brotherhood but don't be offended by the scribes of others.
It maybe just their way of participating or baiting others for a response to participate.
Laugh or just shrugg in amazement .......... just know that you are a knight of this brotherhood in this kingdom of God! .................................... AND THAT IS SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL!!!!
Peace, Love and all that seventies shit!!! LOL
Great things are expected from you.
From: Glen Mckoy
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 6:26 PM
Subject: FW: Don't get Vex.
Hello Donald,
I must say we all attended the mount at some time or the other, I went to the end of the 60's.
Donald it was rough in my days too ha! ha!, my 1st. day of school fight, my last day of school fight, I think you and I may have come from the same bunch, however my brother and his friends did not associate with me, as they where there for an education ha! ha!.
So we all had our own little circles even then, but that is what made the mount so unique and special, the good and the bad.
That was then and this is now, we all have matured right?
We should be able to discuss anything about everything, without making it personal.
Like the debate we started, ended up personal, where we don't even know what the hell the topic was, this is not an appropriate forum to discuss personal beefs, that is the only point I would like to make.
Well I guess we all had our say, I hope we can move on from here, thank you for your opinions, have a good day my brother,
Best regards Glen.
Hola Che Che,
I do respect your right to express your opinion of Donald by referring to him as an "arrogant impertinent ass", as I respect all brothers right to express their views.
Because of the vast variety of topics which may come up in this arena, which most brothers stay away from, for the same reason you are, I expect opinions to be spread all over the spectrum, also.
We must work to maintain our brotherhood.
Were there not some scuffles and factions when we were young, so long ago.
It is a natural reflection of "us".
I do respect your request from any of those emails, and such strong insults are not called for, I will try to resolve, in someway.
I remain your friend till the end, long live the brotherhood, long live the Club,
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 11:06:50 -0400
Glen, my brother,
As much as I fully enjoy your e. mails and deeply love my Mount Boys, I think I will have to refrain from participating any longer in your conversations for I just cannot accept being so seriously mistreated by this Donald Goddard who insults me just because I expressed an opinion of support for Myron.
Mr. Goddard has completely lost the respect I had for him originally seeded in me by our good friend Ladislao Kertesz.
This is absolute nonsense.
It just does not make sense to be able to hold a constructive interchange of ideas without having to tolerate the impertinence of Mr. Goddard.... an arrogant impertinent ass.
I am sorry Glen, please do not send me any of those emails any more.
Just keep being my good friend, and I know you are !!! ..
Rafael Echeverria (CheChe)
Well all you Mt. guys involved in the immature unnecessary negative communications below, should get together and have some cold beers; plus give each other a big hug while reminiscing about the good old days at Mount where so many of us were formed during an important transitional period of our lives.
La verdad es que no entiendo y me duele ver estas comunicaciones de personas que conozco y otros a quienes no tuve la oportunidad de hacerlo; so please avoid the uneccessary name calling and make amends!!
Life is too short and we should make the best of it while dancing to the beat without caring who is watching !!!!
If my response to these messages might seem impertinent, please accept my apologies,
Mis sinceros saludos a todos,
FROM:Glen Mckoy
Saturday, October 22, 2011 2:20 PM
Thank you for the entertainment, I think all is well in the Club now,
Brian I agree, you should bring the beer because you know if Donald & Myron show up, we go have plenty old talk.
Rudi pray for us, ah getting a drive with Che Che ha! ha! later me amigo, enjoy the Verdaderas Bulerias, open carefully adult contents.
Cheers to all my brother
FROM: Glen Mckoy
Tuesday, October 4, 2011 6:26 PM
Dear Myron,
No reason to explain, I could see this is not proper, by insulting you and copying all your friends, no respect, this was not called for.
I send him emails also I wish brothers always the best, but the way of the transgressor is exceedingly difficult.
We are the eyes of the Club, from our eyes the entire Club sees, your experience has been noted.
Thank you for sharing this with us, have a good week mi amigo, the rest is only history, Take care, best regards
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 23:26:25 -0400
Dear Glen,
Let me explain
While Donald was here in Venezuela I got to know him quite well, we worked together in the Oil Industry, we played tennis and we went to the beach with our respective wife and we also used to go out for dinner with a group of Mount boys.
But since he went to the USA, he has changed and become weird.
I have no idea how this came about, maybe he was brainwashed by his Republican friends.
A while back I receive an email about Global warming and I passed it on to about 10 friends who I taught would be interested in the topic.
To my surprise I received an email from Donald insulting me and copying all the friends I had copied in the email, which I found was not called for.
I reply to him but there was no way to reason with him.
This is when I discovered that he had become a fanatical Republican and realized that it was not worth my time to continue any kind of communication with him and not send him any more email.
The problem is he becomes too aggressive and insulting in his views.
I hope this will help you understand some of my comments on the previous email.
All the best my friend, keep sending me your emails they are quite good and interesting.
On Oct 2, 2011, at 11:42 AM, Glen Mckoy wrote:
Dear Myron,
You made me laugh; Fox viewers are the most misinformed citizens, funny good one.
It’s always good to hear from you.
These emails on this subject, is only live debate, right or wrong, people must exchange ideas, some of the language was not called for, however I receive a few emails from brothers like that, but I know these brothers also, they are all talk, but have the biggest hearts in the world, and would do the world for others, we all should be careful about what we write.
Now putting all that aside, the only thing that caught my eyes, was that line you wrote," I do not know what happened to this friend of mine. ",
Now this is important to me, it’s a friend; I will forward this to Don, as requested.
I think Don is expressing his true feelings on the subject, and I respect him for that, but when things like this affects a friendship, well then that is ridiculous, and do hope you gentlemen, forgive and forget past indifferences, we are getting older, sometimes I have noticed, we may go thru difficult times, health, financial problems, at a certain age, some of us get bitter, and may start lashing out at our loved ones.
Even our own brothers, who we have been friends with forever, men have a strange way of asking for Help.
Life is an echo, what you put in, is what you get back, have a good week mis amigos, Adios Glen....
On Oct 1, 2011, at 12:35 PM, Glen Mckoy wrote:
Dear Shaun and Don,
Its good to express oneself, I like that, now I live in Canada, on the east coast, Nova Scotia, since 1976.
Last month we had 8,000 Americans visiting on cruise ships, that past right in front where I live on a hill overlooking the Atlantic ocean, there is deer in the back yard sometimes, eating the plants, early in the morning, I have seen a fox a couple of times, what I am trying to say, I live in Canada, America is a stage, all actors, it’s not real, you can't pay me to live there, I am sorry to express the inner me, but don't let these actors fool you, once you know that it is not real, then you don't get sucked in to its politics, its ideology, I am a free thinker, like many other Trinidadians of my time.
The generations after us got brainwashed and many lost their identity, for example Calypso, and the breakdown of our once upon a time Trinidad culture.
Thank you for Americanizing my island.
What I am trying to say is, I don't disagree or agree with what is being said here, it doesn't really excite me, it’s a waste of my mind, ha! ha!, what I do know is, I went to school with some really great minds, who usually converse outside the box, that is where we were most of the time, some spoke a lot, and some just listened. ha! ha! but at the end of the day, we were always brothers.
Cheers gentlemen, keep it clean, have a good day mi amigos, best regards
Glen McKoy / Duncan's Cove Nova Scotia.CANADA.
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount Inside 6407 page 7
72UN0001AQUALADS, Need Names
89LK0001LETTERFCU, Letter from Fr. Cuthbert
89LK0002LETTERFCU, Letter from Fr. Cuthbert
57GM0003UNKNOWN, another one to be named
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