Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 29 October 2011 No.521
Dear Friends,
Here is an important archaeological article by Don Mitchell. As you can read he spends his retirement looking at odd things.
FROM: anthony ali
Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:18 PM
Hi my name is Anthony Mark Ali, I am an old Abbey boy,
I graduated school back in 1985,
I was visiting the abbey today and saw Fr. Cuthbert working as usual in the yogurt factory that they started I guess back in 2003.
They told me that you sometimes keep in touch with old Abbey school boys but mostly from further back but I should still contact you and say hello, maybe I might know someone that you know.
Anthony Mark Ali
Sent: Friday, September 9, 2011 7:40 AM
Hi, Ladislao,
Hope all is well with you and yours.
Maggie and I are fine.
The school year has begun again.
I have my High School law class to deal with.
Additionally, from 1 September I have accepted an appointment to the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court for a 2-year period.
They need a little help, even from a retired old horse like me.
Keep well.
FROM: Trevor Evelyn
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 10:29 AM
I have been asked by Trevor Soodeen who does not have a computer to notify you of his new address and phone number
apt.1211 2220 Lakeshore road west
oakville Ontario L6L 5G5
Telephone no (289) 993 2535
Trevor Evelyn
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 14:31:50 -0700
There is the same photograph floating around with almost all the boy's names already on them.
I just sent you the scan of the original photo without the labels.
I think the one with the names is somewhere in one of the circulars.
Attila Gyuris
From: Nigel Boos <>
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 6:39 AM
Hi Attila,
Thanks for this photograph.
I'd seen it before but it would be interesting to try to identify the boys as they then were.
Would you mind giving it a try?
Feel free to enlist the help of any of your classmates, to get a full identification going.
Thanks again.
On 2011-10-13, at 4:29 AM, Dion Fakoory wrote:
Dear All,
I am thinking about Alejandro Lew, he would be around 63-65 years old now, he is not in the class picture that you forward,
Nigel you was at the mount when he was there,
I also remember Manuel Prada and Pablo Figuera they were 2 good footballers Prada a goalkeeper and Pablo had a good kick, they both were there also but in a much higher class than me,
I should have a photo of my class if I find it I will forward.
Take care.
Dion Fakoory
On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:14 AM,
Attila GYURIS <> wrote:
I think he may be inquiring about the older " Nazi ", not the one you are thinking.
There were two "Nazi's", the older one, and his younger brother.
The younger one's name is Ronny Lew.
Ronny Lew was there during my time at the Mount.
He was there from 1964 to 1970.
If you look at the class picture of the "1964-1965 Prep A" , he is there.
Ronny Lew is the blond kid standing in the back row above the teacher with his arm around the Azar kid.
I am sitting in the front row, 4th for the left
Attila Gyuris
Mount 1964- 1969
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 8:37 AM
Subject: FW: Information/ A. Lew ( NAZI ), Freddy Freitas, Dougie Houke
Hola mi amigo Dion,
All the email addresses I have are from brothers I knew, they send me emails and your name was there, and this is how many got on my list, but you must have attended the Mount, and you must have come well recommended ha! ha!.
I attended the Mount a few years after you.
I am in contact with just under 100 brothers, many are Knights, but that is another story,
I do hope that brothers on my list share my emails, with other mount boys that are not on our radar.
I don't try to put anymore on my list, its enough, I do remove one or two members every year, only by request, some information can be offensive to others, but that's the price I pay, but the Club is alive and kicking and staying in touch with all.
I am located in Canada since 1976, I live in Nova Scotia. I work for CIBC bank.
I remembered Nazi, he was there during my time, Freddy Freitas, I only know by name, Dougle Houke, heard the name don't know this guy.
However, your questions will be answered by Ladislao or Nigel.
Thank you again for this email, I am glad to hear you are pleased with what we are doing, have a good day my brother,
best regards Glen McKoy //
Tel: 902 483-3889 //
Duncan's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 08:50:02 -0400
Dear Glen,
Thank you for all your mail, I would like to know how you got my email address, yes I am an old Mount boy I was there in 1960-1963, did not last long up there.
I am happy that the Mount boys are staying in touch with each other.
Where are you located, do you know A. Lew ( NAZI ), Freddy Freitas, Dougie Houke, I think they are all in Venezuela.
What year did you attend MSB?
Keep the mails coming.
Dion Fakoory
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 16:53:41 -0430
Estimado amigo Laszlo,
Siento mucho no haber podido estar presente en la cena, el Jueves pasado, salí de El Tigre, con suficiente tiempo para llegar, creía yo, pero, llegué a Caracas a las 8:30 pm (20:30) como consecuencia de los imprevistos de carreteras cotidianos en nuestra bella patria.
Tu mensaje es hermoso y muy cierto, espero poder asistir en la próxima.
Creo que este mensaje lo deberías enviar a algunos eternos ausentes.
Dear friend Laszlo,
I feel that I was unable to attend the dinner last Thursday, I went to El Tigre, with sufficient time to arrive, I thought, but I arrived at Caracas at 8:30 pm (20:30) as a result of unforeseen road everyday in our beautiful country.
Your message is beautiful and very true, I hope to attend the next.
I think I should send this message to some eternal present.
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 00:21:40 -0400
Queridos Mount Boys:
Me impresionó gratamente el correo que envió el nunca bien ponderado amigo "Ladislao", como solíamos llamarle.
Me refiero al amigo solitario frente a su chimenea y el "sermón" que le dió el visitante.
Supongo que Isaias Farcheg les habrá referido el deplorable estado de "in-salud" del cual estoy tratando de reponerme.
Por ahora solo puedo decirles "we will come back", mientras tanto los saludo y abrazo fraternalmente
Roberto Lipavsky, alias "Pelo"
Mount Dear Boys:
I was greatly impressed that sent the e-weighted never good friend "Ladislao" as we used to call.
I mean the lonely friend in front of his fireplace and the "sermon" that gave the visitors.
I guess they will be referred to Isaiah Farcheg the deplorable state of "in-health" of which I am trying to recover.
For now I can only say "we will come back" as both greeting and brotherly hug
Roberto Lipavsky, alias "Hair"
Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount Inside 6407 page 08
11ML0001MLEGRP, Myron Lew and kids in Vancouver.
720001CLASS1972, some names are missing.
87LK0001LETTERFCU, letter from Fr, Cuthbert
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