Saturday 14 May 2011

Circular No 497

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 14 May 2011 No.497
Dear Friends,

In this issue I shall send you some of the short emails that have been sent lately.
Please update you curriculum vitae and give us further information on your friends, from whom we have not received news for now.
Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 9 March 2002. Circular No.17
Dear Friends,

The photo: A rocket that was built during my last year at the Mount.

The story: The igniter consisted of a small canister flame holder, old JETEX motor, which was pulled with a thread from a safe distance so that it moved underneath of the rocket motor, the fuel was prepared behind the sports house using Potassium Chlorate and sugar mixed in a cup over an open flame fire. During the mixing on two occasions the mixture caught fire and the hot vapours did slight damage to our hands!!!. No one wanted to go to the infirmary as it was Saturday night. Did it fly??, we set the rocket on the hill on the North side of the football field on the edge of the cliff, well it is difficult to say as it started up with a lot of smoke and suddenly Fr. Bernard appeared from no where at the road on the first bent out of the sports field very close to where we were and asked if we were lighting fire. I took the rocket and threw it from the mountain side to the football field where it sputtered. Next I ran up to Fr. Bernard to tell him something which finally satisfied him and continued up the monastery road. We ran down to rescue the rocket, the smoke subsided and all that was left was a melted aluminium cylinder. The conclusion was that there was no enough pressure in the propulsion chamber. If there would have been one!!! Who knows the results.
Here I am continuing the who is who, thanks to Roger Henderson:

7. David Bratt is a leading paediatrician in Trinidad.
Re. Circular No. 330, The Abbey School MSB
Tim Mew
1 Jun 
Dear Ricardo,
So sorry for the long delays in replying, but both time passes quickly and always lots to do.
I know that is no excuse!!!!!!
Gail & I are leaving on July 8 to 26 th., for a short holiday in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
Although it will be their rainy season and hot with high humidity, we are looking forward to it as we have never been there before.
I have always wanted to see Angkor Wat in Siem Reap Cambodia and this will be our chance.
One side benefit is that the tourists are much less, the country is lush & green and the Angkor Wat moats are full.
So lots to see and hopefully take lots of pictures, to bore everyone on return, but also a memory.
Next year we are planning a 21 day trip to Turkey in a small group of no more than 16.
Want to join us??
It will run from Day one in Istanbul on May 27 to June 16, 2009 leaving Istanbul.
We will probably go via London on Qantas and then British to Istanbul and back the same way, so will allow an extra three days for travelling to arrive on May 27.
I try to keep an eye on the news from Venezuela and Chavez, with Columbia and the rebels and Oil & Gas etc etc. I just wish all countries could live in peace and work with each other, it would be so much better.
Although we support the USA, they have a lot to answer for and should immediately resume full relations with Cuba, it is just ridiculous and work very closely with Latin & South America.
Easy to say and hard to accomplish!!!!
But imagine if Venezuela & the US could get along, it would help the whole South & North Americas.
Sorry enough politics, but one good thing for you in SA is that you do not have the ever present threat of fundamentalist Islamists, which we face in this part of the world.
I follow Ladislao's news with interest and please say hello to all our MSB school mates for me.
Will send another recent picture of Gail & myself taken in April 2008.
Any photos from you will also be appreciated.
If in the past you had sent some emails, which I did not respond to, it could have been when I was in hospital and the mail box was full, so bounced, sorry.
All is well now after some gall bladder surgery and eye ops for cataracts etc. in 2006 /07.
Take good care of yourselves,
...6 FEB 2011
From: Nigel Boos
Hello, Ricardo,
I understand you're trying to contact Tim Mew in Australia.
Here's his email address:
His physical address is: P.O.Box 1045G, Balwyn North Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3104
I have some notes from Tim, which I'll share with you:
He's written: Hello to all my "old" MSB friends,
The years are ticking bye at a fast pace and I thought I should try to get in touch with at least a few of you.
The recent excel list from Nigel Boos has helped me to do this.
A quick back ground on us:
Married in 1963 to Gail, left Guyana in 1974 with three daughters [Michele, Karen, Lisa] for Australia.
First in Sydney and now for many years in Melbourne.
Two more twin daughters were born to us in Melbourne, Alexandra and Alicia.
Karen has two sons, Timmy [19] & James [7].
Alexandra has Thomas [2] and Sophie [three weeks].
So four grand kids for us.
Michele is married to Ralph.
Karen is single now.
Lisa is going to be married in March of 2009.
Alicia has a partner Fletch.
Alexandra is married to Vlad.
The attached picture was from April 2008 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Gail is 63 and I am 67.
So YES the years roll on!!!!
I will not be able to attend the re-union in Trinidad scheduled for this November, distance, cost etc. prevents.
However it would have been great to meet up with any of you.
I am still trying the email address for Ricardo Figuera that I had, but it has not worked for quite awhile.
So if any of you guys particularly in Venezuela have his new address, please forward and let me know.
I have been in touch with Ricardo over some time but not recently.
He also sent some pictures in the past of your meetings in Caracas, so I have an idea of how the years have treated you.
As you can see, we are about on par!!!!
I have often enjoyed Roberto Boddington's photos on the circulars from Ladislao, so thanks to you for shooting these, although I cannot remember you doing so.
Will also try to find and attach a picture of our family for you.
With love and best wishes to you all and your families and I look forward to your replies.
Please try to keep in touch and help me with any other email addresses from 1958 class.
And here's a photograph of him:
Best regards.
Hey, if you have any information about your brother, Pablo, to pass on to us, I'd be very grateful. Of particular importance is his email address and location, but a decent photograph of him and of you too, would be appreciated.
God be with you.
Nigel Boos
Class of 1960
Hi Ladislao.
I could not find the name of the priest #24 in the 1960 class.
Not sure who he is?
Fr. Eldephonse? Maybe this spelling is not correct.
Tim Mew.
PS: It may give you some comfort to note that your emails are indeed read with interest.
Thanks a million and keep the good work up.
Ed Lloyd para usuario, Nigel
9 may 2011
Hi Laszlo
In the photograph, # 15 is Chris Webster. David Pampellone is obscured by # 13 Mathias Fedak.
With Kind Regards
Ed Lloyd
Tel:- 01330 822930    Mobile:- 07900 616107

Danny Isse syrian boy‏
From: Glen Mckoy (
Sent: Mon 2/18/08 8:24 PM
This is a boy from our time I did not see his name on the data base list 
Danny Isse ?? spelling I don't know.
I forgot Danny, Somebody out there remember
Danny how could we forget Danny, find Danny.
Just remembered Glen...

Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:28:09 -0500
Danny and his family moved to the States a very long time ago,
He lost a leg in an accident, last time I saw him was back in 1975,
His dad opened a store and he was running it,
I think they left Trinidad that year.
 Peter Alkins
 3 Apr 2011
Hi Ladislao,
It was good to get a link to the website and to reconnect to MSB.
Some of the old pictures brought back memories of scouts and sports day. 
While I only spent a couple of years (Prep B & A) at Mount I recognized many names and faces.
Interesting to read some of the blog entries ... that the patterns / hurts of the distant past, in some cases, live on in people's present.
I accept that it is difficult to change who we are, but certainly as we mature and learn to close chapters in our life and forgive self and others that we are able to move on.
Best regards,
Peter Alkins

Ladislao Kertesz at,
Mount Inside No. 10 page 17
60UN0001CLASS1960, corrections made by Ed Lloyd
60CV0003Guyanese four kids UNKNOWNs
08GS0165FCUGFA, Fr. Cuthbert and Gabriel Faria

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